Short desc: 1941b
Issuer: Shantung Date: 1941 Sort position: 2 Consists of 3 stamps: (See stamps as list) 1/2c blkbrn d=Deng Keng ovpt=Shantung oc=blk on=issuer=China-issue=Martyrs-1/2c 2 1/2c roselil d=Deng Keng ovpt=Shantung oc=blk on=issuer=China-issue=Martyrs-2 1/2c 13c blgrn d=Chu Chih-hsin ovpt=Shantung oc=blk on=issuer=China-issue=Martyrs-13c All are dt=martyrs (1932) Issues with this name: Brazil, Inner Mongolia, Honan, Hopei, Shansi, Shantung, Supeh, Sinkiang, Finland, French Equatorial Africa, French India, North Epirus, Italian occupation of the Ionian Islands, Finnish occupation of Karelia, Italian occupation of Montenegro, Netherlands Indies, Norway, RuandaUrundi, German occupation of Serbia, Italian occupation of Ljubljana |