Short desc: 1941
Issuer: Corfu
Date: 6/5/1941
Consists of 20 stamps: (See stamps as list)
5l brn&bl d=contest with bull ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-5l wmk=crowns
10l d=lady of Tiryns var=corrected ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-10l-var=corrected wmk=crowns
10l d=lady of Tiryns var=TYPI ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-10l-var=TYPI wmk=crowns
20l blk&dkgrn d=Zeus of Dodona ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-20l wmk=crowns
40l blk&blkgrn d=Coin of Amphiktyony ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-40l wmk=crowns
50l brn&blk d=Diagoras of Rhodes ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-50l wmk=crowns
80l blkvio&orgbrn d=Venus of Melos ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-80l wmk=crowns
1d grn d=King George II ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-1937-1d-King George II wmk=crowns perf=13x12.5
1.50d grn d=statue King Constantine ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-1938-1.50d-grn
2d ultra d=Naval Battle of Salamis ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-2d wmk=crowns
3d redbrn d=King George II ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-1937-3d-King George II wmk=crowns perf=13x12.5
5d red d=Panathenaic Procession ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-5d wmk=crowns
6d olbrn d=Alexander the Great at Issos battle ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-6d wmk=crowns
7d d=Apostle Paul on Arios Pagos ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-7d wmk=crowns
8d dpbl d=King George II ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-1937-8d-King George II wmk=crowns perf=13x12.5
10d d=Church of St Demetrios Thessaloniki ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-10d wmk=crowns
15d grn d=Leon Isavros & the destruction of Arabs ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-15d wmk=crowns
25d dkbl d=Glory of Psara ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-issue=1937-25d wmk=crowns
30d orgbrn d=statue King Constantine ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-1938-30d
100d carlake d=King George II ovpt=CORFU oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-1937-100d-King George II wmk=crowns perf=13x12.5
Issues with this name: Angola, Bulgaria, Cameroun, Newfoundland, China, Corfu, Bohemia & Moravia, Dahomey, French Oceania, Great Britain, German occupation of Guernsey, Hungary, Ifni, India, Bundi, Gwalior, Iraq, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Macao, Monaco, Nepal, New Hebrides (Fr), German occupation of Poland, Polish government in exile, Portugal, German occupation of Russia, Spanish Guinea, Spanish Morocco, Tannu Tuva, Tunisia