Phoenix Island Protected Area issue of Kiribati

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Short desc: Phoenix Island Protected Area

Issuer: Kiribati
Dates: 7/12/2008 - 9/12/2012
Occasion: unset

Consists of 14 stamps: (See stamps as list)

40c d=Local Hut perf=14
9/12/2012 40c d=manta ray Manta birostris
9/12/2012 50c d=Napoleon wrasse Cheilinus undulatus
9/12/2012 60c d=Caesio teres
75c d=map of Kanton Island perf=14
9/12/2012 75c d=Elagatis bipinnulata
80c perf=14
85c d=Phoenix petrel perf=14
9/12/2012 $1 d=Chelonia mydas (2012 Kiribati)
$1.25 d=Acropora nobilis perf=14
9/12/2012 $1.50 d=Chaetodon ornatissimus (2012)
$1.75 d=Blacktip Reef Shark (2008) perf=14
9/12/2012 $2.00 d=Chrysiptera albata
9/12/2012 $2.50 d=small giant clam Tridacna maxima