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“Save the Monuments of Nubia” campaign issue of Egypt

  • Colnect-1308-792-Queen-nefertari.jpg
  • Colnect-1311-928-Ramses-II---Abu-Simbel---ICY-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-701-Ramses-II-temple---Abu-Simbel.jpg
  • Colnect-1571-034-Trajan-s-Kiosk-at-Philae.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-760-Queen-Nefertari-crowned-by-Isis---Hator.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-793-Great-Hypostyle-Hall-of-Abu-Simbel.jpg
  • Colnect-1311-929-Philae-Pillars---UN-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-1308-794-Ramses-II-in-moonlight.jpg
  • Colnect-1311-930-Ramses-II-statues---UNESCO-Emblem.jpg
Short desc: “Save the Monuments of Nubia” campaign

Issuer: Egypt
Dates: 12/22/1959 - 10/24/1965
Occasion: unset

Consists of 9 stamps: (See stamps as list)

10/1/1963 5m d=Queen Nefertari (1963 Egypt) wmk=arms mult
10/24/1965 5m d=Ramses II Abu Simbel - ICY emblem wmk=arms mult perf=11.5
10m d=Ramses II temple, Abu Simbel wmk=eagle & Misr perf=11x11.5
11/15/1961 10m d=Trajans Kiosk at Philae perf=11.5
10/31/1962 10m bl&multi d=Queen Nefertari crowned by Isis Hator wmk=arms mult perf=11.5
10/1/1963 10m d=Great Hypostyle Hall of Abu Simbel wmk=arms mult
10/24/1965 10m d=Philae Pillars - UN emblem wmk=arms mult perf=11.5
10/1/1963 35m d=Ramses II in moonlight wmk=arms mult
10/24/1965 35m d=Ramses II statues - UNESCO emblem wmk=arms mult perf=11.5