Birds of the Caribbean issue of Montserrat

  • MS035.03.jpg
  • MS036.03.jpg
  • MS028.03.jpg
  • MS029.03.jpg
  • MS030.03.jpg
  • MS031.03.jpg
  • MS032.03.jpg
  • MS033.03.jpg
  • MS037.03.jpg
  • MS038.03.jpg
  • MS034.03.jpg


Short desc: Birds of the Caribbean

Issuer: Montserrat
Date: 12/22/2003

Consists of 11 stamps: (See stamps as list)

90c d=belted kingfisher (2003)
$1.15 d=Yellow Warbler
$1.50 d=roseate spoonbill Ajaja ajaja (2003)
$1.50 d=laughing gull (2003)
$1.50 d=white-tailed tropicbird (2003)
$1.50 d=Bare-eyed Thrush
$1.50 d=glittering-throated emerald
$1.50 d=Lesser Antillean Grackle
$1.50 d=hooded warbler Wilsonia citrina
$5 d=Cedar Waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum)
$6 d=bananaquit (2003)

All are dt=birds of the Caribbean (2003 Montserrat) wmk=St Edwards crown & CA

Issues with this name: Antigua (1996), Dominica (2005), Grenada (2000), Grenada Grenadines (2000), Montserrat, Nevis (2015), Bequia, Canouan (2011)