Paintings 1979 issue of Hungary

  • Colnect-586-510--quot-Grayhounds-quot--by-J-aacute-nos-Vaszary.jpg
  • Colnect-586-511-Coach-and-five-by-K-aacute-roly-Lotz.jpg
  • Colnect-586-512--quot-Jockey-landing-quot--by-Celesztin-Pallya.jpg
  • Colnect-586-513-Farewell-by-K-aacute-roly-Lotz.jpg
  • Colnect-586-514-Horse-market-by-Celesztin-Pallya.jpg
  • Colnect-586-515--quot-Watering-horses-quot--by-B-eacute-la-Iv-aacute-nyi-Gr-uuml-nwald.jpg
  • Colnect-586-516-Ready-for-the-hunt-by-K-aacute-roly-Sterio.jpg
Short desc: Paintings 1979

Issuer: Hungary
Date: 8/11/1979

Consists of 7 stamps: (See stamps as list)

0,40Ft d=Boy with horse & dogs by János Vaszary
0,60Ft d=Coach & five by Károly Lotz perf=12.5
1ft d=Boys on horseback by Celesztin Pallya perf=12.5
2Ft d=Farewell by Károly Lotz
3Ft d=Horse market by Celesztin Pallya
4Ft d=Wanderer by Béla Iványi-Grünwald perf=12.5
5Ft d=Ready for the hunt by Károly Sterio perf=12.5

All are dt=paintings (1979 Hungary)