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Great Britons 2013 issue of Great Britain

  • GB059.13.jpg
  • GB060.13.jpg
  • GB061.13.jpg
  • GB062.13.jpg
  • GB063.13.jpg
  • GB064.13.jpg
  • GB065.13.jpg
  • GB066.13.jpg
  • GB067.13.jpg
  • GB068.13.jpg
Short desc: Great Britons 2013

Issuer: Great Britain
Date: 4/16/2013

Consists of 10 stamps: (See stamps as list)

1st d=Norman Parkinson
1st d=Vivien Leigh
1st d=Peter Cushing
1st d=David Lloyd George
1st d=Elizabeth David
1st d=John Archer
1st d=Benjamin Britten
1st d=Mary Leakey
1st d=Bill Shankly
1st d=Richard Dimbleby

All are perf=14.5