new constitution issue of British Honduras
Short desc: new constitution
Issuer: British Honduras
Date: 3/1/1961
Occasion: unset
Consists of 4 stamps: (See stamps as list)
2c blk&yelbrn d=tapir (1953) ovpt=NEW CONSTITUTION//1960 oc=blk on=1953-2c
3c pur&redlil d=Legislave Council room & mace ovpt=NEW CONSTITUTION//1960 oc=blk on=1953-3c
10c bl&sl d=Stanley Field Airport ovpt=NEW CONSTITUTION//1960 oc=blk on=1953-10c
15c vio&grn d=Mayan Ruin ovpt=NEW CONSTITUTION//1960 oc=blk on=1953-15c
All are wmk=mult crown & script CA
Issues with this name: Albania (1977), Algeria (1963), Antigua (1960), Bahamas (1964), Bermuda (1968), Brazil (1988), British Honduras, Cambodia (1973), Cayman Islands (1959), Ceylon (1947), Colombia (1991), Democratic Republic of the Congo (1967), Dominica (1951), Ghana (1969), Gibraltar (1950), Japan (1947), Pakistan (1962), Panama (1941), Poland (1921), Romania (1938), Russia (1977), St. Helena (1967), St. Lucia (1960), Singapore (1959), Solomon Islands, South Africa (1984), Syria (1951), Turks & Caicos Islands (1959), Yugoslavia (1945)