Short desc: 1889
Issuer: Germany Dates: 10/1/1889 - 1900 Consists of 8 stamps: (See stamps as list) 1900 2pf gray d=crown over numeral perf=13.5x14.25 3pf redbrn d=crown over numeral 3pf yelbrn d=crown over numeral perf=13.5x14.25 5pf grn d=crown over numeral perf=13.5x14.25 10pf car d=German eagle (1889) perf=13.5x14.25 20pf ultra d=German eagle (1889) perf=13.5x14.25 1890 25pf org d=German eagle (1889) perf=13.5x14.25 50pf choc d=German eagle (1889) perf=13.5x14.25 Issues with this name: Bechuanaland, British Guiana, Antioquia, Santander, Guanacaste, Finland, Gabon, Germany, German offices in the Turkish Empire, Indore, Iran, Italy, Jamaica, Madagascar, Selangor, NossiBe, Romania, Russia, Spain, Uruguay |