Short desc: 1948a
Issuer: Germany
Date: 1948
Consists of 17 stamps: (See stamps as list)
2pf blk ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=2pf-numeral (1946 Germany) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
8pf ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=8pf-numeral (1946 Germany)
10pf ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=10pf-numeral (1946 Germany)
12pf red ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=12pf-red-numeral (1946 Germany)
12pf slgray ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=12pf-slgray-numeral (1946 Germany)
15pf brnvio ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=15pf-brnvio-numeral (1946 Germany)
15pf yelgrn ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=15pf-yelgrn-numeral (1946 Germany)
16pf slgrn ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=16pf-slgrn-numeral (1946 Germany)
24pf orgbrn ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=24pf-orgbrn-numeral (1946 Germany)
25pf brtultra ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=1946-25pf-brtultra-numeral (1946 Germany) wmk=DEUTSCHE POST perf=14
25pf orgyel ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=25pf-orgyel-numeral (1946 Germany)
30pf ol ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=30pf-ol-numeral (1946 Germany)
40pf redvio ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=40pf-redvio-numeral (1946 Germany)
45pf red ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=45pf-red-numeral (1946 Germany)
50pf dkolgrn ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=50pf-dkolgrn-numeral (1946 Germany)
75pf brtultra ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=75pf-brtultra-numeral (1946 Germany)
84pf blgrn ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=84pf-blgrn-numeral (1946 Germany)
All are d=numeral (1946 Germany)
Issues with this name: China, Taiwan, Northeast China Liberation Area, Northwest China Liberation Area, Germany, Berlin, Russian occupation of Germany