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save Nubian monuments issue of Guinea

  • Colnect-1539-818-Ramses-II-in-battle.jpg
  • Colnect-1539-819-Submerged-sphinxes-sailboat.jpg
  • Colnect-1539-820-Wadies--Sebua.jpg
  • Colnect-1539-821-Ramses-II-Abu-Simbel.jpg
  • Colnect-1539-822-Feet-and-legs-of-Ramses-statues.jpg
  • Colnect-1539-823-Queen-Nefertari-Abu-Simbel.jpg
Short desc: save Nubian monuments

Issuer: Guinea
Dates: 11/9/1964 - 11/19/1964
Occasion: save Nubian monuments

Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)

11/19/1964 10fr d=Nefertari, Isis and Hathor
11/19/1964 25fr d=Ramses II in battle
11/19/1964 50fr d=felucca & submerged Sphinxes
11/19/1964 100fr d=Ramses II Abu Simbel
11/19/1964 200fr d=Feet & legs of Ramses statues
airmail 300fr d=Nefertari statue

All are perf=12

Issues with this name: Argentina (1963), Chad, Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Gabon, Ghana (1963), Guatemala (1966), Guinea, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Jordan, Kuwait (1967), Laos, Lebanon (1962), Maldive Islands (1965), Nigeria, Somali Coast, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia, Upper Volta, Uruguay