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1914 issue of Haiti

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Short desc: 1914

Issuer: Haiti
Date: 8/1914
Sort position: 4

Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)

1c cl dt=landmarks (1906) d=Government Palace ovpt=similar oc=blk on=1906-1p-cl
1c orgyel dt=landmarks (1913) d=arms of Haiti ovpt=similar oc=blk on=1913-50cp-orgyel
1c red dt=landmarks (1906) d=arms of Haiti ovpt=similar oc=blk on=1906-50c-red
1c red dt=landmarks (1913) d=Government Palace ovpt=similar oc=blk on=1913-1p-red
7c cl d=Pierre Nord Alexis (1904) ovpt=diamond oc=blk on=issue=1904-50c
7c org d=Pierre Nord Alexis (1904) ovpt=diamond oc=blk on=issue=1904-20c

Issues with this name: Australia, Bechuanaland Protectorate, German occupation of Belgium, Cuba, Egypt, Greek occupation of Epirus, French India, French Morocco, Bavaria, British offices in Morocco, British currency, British offices in Morocco, Spanish currency, Haiti, Hungary, Orchha, Japan, Japanese offices in China, Liberia, Lourenco Marques, Luxembourg, Malta, Nigeria, Penrhyn, Philippines, Rio de Oro, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Spanish Guinea, Switzerland, Turkey, Upper Senegal & Niger, Zanzibar