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100th Anniversary of Star Ferry issue of Hong Kong

  • Colnect-1711-013-Star-Ferry-during-1900--s.jpg
  • Colnect-1900-479-Star-Ferry-in-the-1910--s-1920--s.jpg
  • Colnect-1900-480-Star-Ferry-in-the-1920--s-1950--s.jpg
  • Colnect-1900-481-Star-Ferry-mid-1950--s-on.jpg
Short desc: 100th Anniversary of Star Ferry

Issuer: Hong Kong
Date: 4/26/1998
Occasion: Star Ferry founding
Number/Year: 100

Consists of 4 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$1.30 d="Star", 1900s
$2.50 d="Star", 1910s-20s
$3.10 d="Star", 1920s-1950s
$5 d="Star", 1950s onwards

All are perf=13.5