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1946b issue of Albania

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Short desc: 1946b

Issuer: Albania
Date: 1946
Sort position: 2

Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)

20q blgrn d=‭Country House Labinot ovpt=REPUBLIKA POPULLORE//E//SHQERIPSE oc=blk on=11/28/1945-20q
30q org d=‭Country House Labinot ovpt=REPUBLIKA POPULLORE//E//SHQERIPSE oc=blk on=11/28/1945-30q
40q brn d=Gorica Bridge Berat ovpt=REPUBLIKA POPULLORE//E//SHQERIPSE oc=blk on=11/28/1945-40q
60q redvio d=Gorica Bridge Berat ovpt=REPUBLIKA POPULLORE//E//SHQERIPSE oc=blk on=11/28/1945-60q
1fr rosered d=Permet ovpt=REPUBLIKA POPULLORE//E//SHQERIPSE oc=blk on=11/28/1945-1fr
3fr dkbl d=Permet ovpt=REPUBLIKA POPULLORE//E//SHQERIPSE oc=blk on=11/28/1945-3fr

All are dt=scenic (1945 Albania) perf=11.5

Issues with this name: Albania, Cameroun, China, Taiwan, Northeastern Provinces, Port Arthur & Dairen, Netherlands