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Short desc: Fauna 1998
Issuer: Kyrgyzstan Date: 6/5/1998 Sort position: 3 Consists of 8 stamps: (See stamps as list) 600t d=Capreolus capreolus (1998) 600t d=Pandion haliaetus (1998 Kyrgyzstan) 600t d=Upupa epops (1998 Kyrgyzstan) 600t d=Ciconia ciconia (1998 Kyrgyzstan) 1000t d=Oriolus oriolus (1998) 1000t d=Uncia uncia (1998) 1000t d=Alcedo atthis (1998 Kyrgyzstan) 1000t d=Falco tinnunculus (1998) All are dt=fauna (1998 Kyrgyzstan) Issues with this name: Chad, Kyrgyzstan |