1986 surcharges issue of Sierra Leone
Short desc: 1986 surcharges
Issuer: Sierra Leone
Dates: 9/30/1985 - 9/15/1986
Consists of 18 stamps: (See stamps as list)
70c oc=blk on=31c
9/15/1986 70c d=Prince Andrew and Miss Sarah Ferguson oc=blk on=10c-Prince Andrew and Miss Sarah Ferguson
9/15/1986 70c oc=blk on=10c
1.30le oc=blk on=31c
4le oc=blk on=50c
5le oc=blk on=50c
5le oc=blk on=2le
7le oc=blk on=2le
15le oc=blk on=3le
15le oc=blk on=3le
9/15/1986 30le oc=blk on=2c
9/15/1986 40le d="Traveller" (Brig) oc=blk on=30c-"Traveller" (Brig)
9/15/1986 45le oc=blk on=40c
9/15/1986 45le d=Prince Andrew oc=blk on=10le-Prince Andrew
9/15/1986 45le d=schooner Amistad oc=blk on=10le-schooner Amistad
9/15/1986 50le d="Scotia" (Cable Ship) oc=blk on=70c-"Scotia" (Cable Ship)
9/15/1986 50le oc=blk on=12le
9/15/1986 50le oc=blk on=12le-Prince Andrew and Miss Sarah Ferguson
Issues with this name: Bolivia (1986), Central African Republic (1986), Cook Islands (1986), Cyprus (1986), Guinea (1986), Haiti (1986), Honduras (1986), Jamaica (1986), Sierra Leone, Surinam (1986), Tonga (1986), Niuafo'ou (1986)