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100th Anniversary of the Netherlands Mycological Society issue of Netherlands

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Short desc: 100th Anniversary of the Netherlands Mycological Society

Issuer: Netherlands
Date: 10/1/2008
Occasion: Netherlands Mycological Society founding
Number/Year: 100

Consists of 10 stamps: (See stamps as list)

44c d=Clathrus archeri (2008)
44c d=Geastrum triplex (2008)
44c d=Amanita muscaria (2008 Netherlands)
44c d=Cyathus striatus
44c d=Coprinus comatus (2008)
44c d=Clathrus archeri (2008)
44c d=Geastrum triplex (2008)
44c d=Amanita muscaria (2008 Netherlands)
44c d=Cyathus striatus
44c d=Coprinus comatus (2008)

All are perf=14.25