Short desc: IBRA 99
Issuer: St. Kitts Date: 4/27/1999 Occasion: iBRA 99 Consists of 16 stamps: (See stamps as list) 80c d=Progne dominicensis 80c d=spotted sandpiper Actitis macularia (1999) 80c d=Sterna fuscata (1999) 80c d=Buteo jamaicensis (1999) 80c d=Cinclocerthia ruficauda (1999 St. Kitts) 80c d=Megaceryle alcyon (1999) 80c d=Dendrocygna arborea (1999) 80c d=Dendroica petechia (1999 St. Kitts) 80c d=Cyanophaia bicolor (1999) 80c d=Euphonia musica (1999) 80c d=Dendrocygna bicolor (1999) 80c d=Coccyzus minor (1999 St. Kitts) 80c d=Quiscalus lugubris (1999) 80c d=Elaenia martinica 80c d=Columbina passerina (1999) 80c d=forest thrush All are dt=birds of the Eastern Caribbean wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=13.75 Issues with this name: Cuba, St. Kitts |