Ibero-American Tourism and the Environment Conference - Galapagos Islands Fauna issue of Ecuador

(No images available)
Short desc: Ibero-American Tourism and the Environment Conference - Galapagos Islands Fauna

Issuer: Ecuador
Date: 5/31/2002
Occasion: unset

Consists of 10 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$0.25 d=Grapsus grapsus (2002 Ecuador)
$0.25 d=Conolophus subcristatus
$0.40 d=Sula sula (2002)
$0.40 d=Phoenicopterus ruber (2002)
$0.90 d=Amblyrhynchus cristatus
$0.90 d=Zalophus wollebaeki
$1.05 d=Sula nebouxii excisa
$1.05 d=Sula granti (2002)