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Moths 2002 issue of South Africa

  • Colnect-514-458-Cabbage-Tree-Emperor-Moth-Bunaea-alcinoe.jpg
  • Colnect-514-459-African-Peach-Moth-Egybolis-vaillantina.jpg
  • Colnect-514-460-Specious-Tiger-Aganais-speciosa.jpg
  • Colnect-514-461-Superb-False-Tiger-Heraclia-superba.jpg
  • Colnect-514-462-African-Moon-Moth-Argema-mimosae.jpg
Short desc: Moths 2002

Issuer: South Africa
Date: 9/20/2002

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

1.80r d=Bunaea alcinoe (2002)
2.20r d=Egybolis vaillantina (2002)
2.80r d=Aganais speciosa (2002)
9r d=Heraclia superba
16r d=Argema mimosae (2002 South Africa)

Issues with this name: Ghana, Micronesia, South Africa