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Short desc: 20th Anniversary of the "Decade of Peril and Progress", 1950-1959
Issuer: Marshall Islands Date: 3/15/1999 Occasion: unset Consists of 12 stamps: (See stamps as list) 60c d=World Enters Age of Television 60c d=Cold War Battles Erupt 60c d=Vaccines Conquer Scourge of Polio 60c d=US and USSR Engage in Arms Race 60c d=Science Begins to Unravel the Genetic Co… 60c d=Conquests Reach Unconquered Heights 60c d=Pageantry Reassures Commonwealth 60c d=Rock'n'Roll Reshapes Music Beat 60c d=Sun Sets on Colonial Empires 60c d=World Condemns Racial Discrimination 60c d=Unrest Challenges Communism's March 60c d=Vision of European Union Takes Form All are perf=13.5 |