Flowers 2005 issue of Dominica

  • Colnect-3202-553-Sweetshrub.jpg
  • Colnect-3202-554-Pink-turtleheads.jpg
  • Colnect-3202-555-Flowering-quince.jpg
  • Colnect-3202-556-Water-lily.jpg
Short desc: Flowers 2005

Issuer: Dominica
Date: 1/10/2005
Sort position: 5

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$2 d=Calycanthus floridus perf=14.25
$2 d=Chelone obliqua perf=14.25
$2 d=Chaenomeles speciosa perf=14.25
$2 d=Nymphaea sp. (2005) perf=14.25
$6 d=Chionodoxa forbesii

All are wmk=mult crown & script CA

Issues with this name: Canada, Dominica, Germany, Micronesia, Bequia