Short desc: 1985
Issuer: Grenada
Dates: 7/1/1985 - 11/11/1985
Consists of 19 stamps: (See stamps as list)
1/2c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Strelitzia reginae (1985)
1c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Passiflora coccinea (1985)
2c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Nerium oleander (1985)
4c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Ananas comosus (1985)
5c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Anthurium andraeanum (1985)
6c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Bougainvillea glabra (1985)
10c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Hibiscus rosasinensis (1985)
15c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Alpinia purpurata (1985)
25c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Euphorbia pulcherrima (1985)
30c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Antigonon leptopus (1985)
40c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Datura candida (1985)
50c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Hippeastrum puniceum (1985)
60c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Opuntia megacantha
70c dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Acalypha hispida (1985)
$1 dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Catharanthus roseus (1985)
$1.10 dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Ixora macrothyrsa
$3 dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Justicia brandegeeana
$5 dt=Native Flowers (1985) d=Plumbago capensis (1985)
11/11/1985 $10 d=Lantana camara (1985)
All are wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14
Issues with this name: Anguilla, Antigua, Barbados, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Great Britain, Jersey, Grenada, Grenada Grenadines, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Ireland, Micronesia (1988), Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Panama, Zil Elwannyen Sesel, Singapore, Spain, Uganda, United Nations, Vanuatu, Virgin Islands, Zimbabwe