Butterflies 2011 issue of China, ROC

  • Colnect-3490-089-Blue-branded-King-Crow-Euploea-eunice-hobsoni.jpg
  • Colnect-3490-090-Double-branded-Black-Crow-Euploea-sylvester-swinhoei.jpg
  • Colnect-3490-091-Dwarf-Crow-Euploea-tulliolus-koxinga.jpg
  • Colnect-3490-092-Striped-Blue-Crow-Euploea-mulciber-barsine.jpg
Short desc: Butterflies 2011

Issuer: China, ROC
Date: 4/8/2011

Consists of 4 stamps: (See stamps as list)

$5 d=Euploea eunice hobsoni
$5 d=Euploea sylvester swinhoei
$12 d=Euploea tulliolus koxinga
$12 d=Euploea mulciber barsine

All are dt=butterflies (2011 China, ROC) perf=11.5x12

Issues with this name: Burundi, Central African Republic, China, ROC, Comoro Islands, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Isle of Man, Guinea, Liechtenstein, Mozambique, Nevis, Papua New Guinea, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Bequia, Sint Maarten