Prefectural - Osaka 2001 issue of Japan

  • Colnect-3947-402-46th-World-Table-tennis-Championship-.jpg
  • Colnect-3947-403-46th-World-Table-tennis-Championship-.jpg
  • Colnect-3947-404--3rd-East-Asian-Games---Osaka-Bowling.jpg
  • Colnect-3947-406--3rd-East-Asian-Games---Osaka-Taekwondo.jpg
  • Colnect-3950-511-Namdaemun-in-Seoul-and-Doton-bori-in-Osaka.jpg
  • Colnect-3950-514-Bunraku-of-Japan-and-Nong-ak-of-Korea.jpg
Short desc: Prefectural - Osaka 2001

Issuer: Japan
Dates: 4/3/2001 - 7/6/2001

Consists of 6 stamps: (See stamps as list)

50y perf=13.25x13.5
50y perf=13.25x13.5
50y d= 3rd East Asian Games - Osaka Bowling perf=13.25x13.5
50y d= 3rd East Asian Games - Osaka Taekwondo perf=13.25x13.5
7/6/2001 80y d=Namdaemun in Seoul & Doton-bori in Osaka perf=13.25
7/6/2001 80y d=Bunraku of Japan & Nong-ak of Korea perf=13.25