Aggregate public stamp collection of Egypt

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1 to 200 of 306
Obj What Descr State Condition Value Notes
Colnect-1328-621-Sphinx-to-the-left---Pyramid.jpg stamp postage 8/1/1867 5pa org d=Sphinx left & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=15x12.5 *
Colnect-1328-622-Sphinx-to-the-left---Pyramid.jpg stamp postage 8/1/1867 10pa lil d=Sphinx left & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=15x12.5 *
Colnect-1328-623-Sphinx-to-the-left---Pyramid.jpg stamp postage 8/1/1867 20pa grn d=Sphinx left & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=15x12.5 o
Colnect-1328-572-Sphinx-to-the-left---Pyramid.jpg stamp postage 8/1/1867 1pi rosered d=Sphinx left & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=15x12.5 o
Colnect-1328-573-Sphinx-to-the-left---Pyramid.jpg stamp postage 8/1/1867 2pi bl d=Sphinx left & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=15x12.5 o
Colnect-1329-125-Sphinx-to-the-right---Pyramid---Modified-design.jpg stamp postage 1/1/1872 5pa brn d=Sphinx to right of pyramid wmk=crescent & star o
Colnect-1328-624-Sphinx-to-the-right---Pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1/1/1872 20pa ltultra d=Sphinx to right of pyramid wmk=crescent & star o
Colnect-1328-575-Sphinx-to-the-right---Pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1/1/1872 1pi rosered d=Sphinx to right of pyramid wmk=crescent & star o
No image stamp postage 10/1874 20pa graybl d=Sphinx to right of pyramid wmk=crescent & star o
Colnect-1328-628-Sphinx-to-the-right---Pyramid---New-value-overprinted.jpg stamp postage 1/1/1879 5pa dlvio d=Sphinx to right of pyramid oc=blk on=2 1/2pi wmk=crescent & star *
Colnect-1328-629-Sphinx-to-the-right---Pyramid---New-value-overprinted.jpg stamp postage 1/1/1879 10pa dlvio d=Sphinx to right of pyramid oc=blk on=2 1/2pi wmk=crescent & star *
Colnect-1328-167-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 4/1/1879 5pa brn issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid (a) wmk=crescent & star perf=14 *
Colnect-1328-630-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 4/1/1879 10pa vio issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid (b) wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-5155-300-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1882 10pa gray issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1328-636-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1884 10pa grn issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 *
Colnect-4564-175-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 4/1/1879 20pa ultra issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1328-637-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1884 20pa dprose issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4564-179-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 4/1/1879 1pi rose issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1328-582-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1884 1pi ultra issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4564-177-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 4/1/1879 2pi org issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
No image stamp postage 4/1/1879 2pi orgbrn issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4097-289-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1884 5pi dkgray issue=1879 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-509-886-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1/1/1888 1m brn issue=1888 d=Sphinx & pyramid (a) wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1156-678-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1/1/1888 2m grn issue=1888 d=Sphinx & pyramid (b) wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4917-493-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1892 3m maroon issue=1888 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-864-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1893 3m org issue=1888 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Egyptian_stamp.jpg stamp postage 1906 4m red issue=1888 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1292-124-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1/1/1888 5m carrose issue=1888 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4097-291-Sphinx-in-front-of-Cheops-pyramid.jpg stamp postage 1889 10pi pur issue=1888 d=Sphinx & pyramid wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1009-550-Boats-on-Nile.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 1m olbrn issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=boats on Nile wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1009-551-Cleopatra.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 2m grn issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Cleopatra wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-865-Ras-el-Tin-Palace.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 3m org issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Ras-el-Tin Palace wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Post_Stamp_Egypt.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 4m red issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Giza pyramids wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1006-419-Sphinx.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 5m lake issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Sphinx (1914) wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4545-348-Colossi-of-Memnon.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 10m dkbl issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Colossi of Thebes wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1009-546-Pylon-of-Karnak-and-Temple-of-Khonsu.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 20m olgrn issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Karnak wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-867-Citadel-at-Cairo.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 50m redvio issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Citadel at Cairo wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-5149-766-Aswan-Dam.jpg stamp postage 1/8/1914 200m plum issue=1914 dt=scenic (1914) d=Aswan Dam wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4564-185-Ras-el-Tin-Palace.jpg stamp postage 10/15/1915 2m org dt=scenic (1914) d=Ras-el-Tin Palace oc=blk on=1914-3m-org wmk=crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-872-Cleopatra.jpg stamp postage 1921 2m red issue=1921 d=Cleopatra wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-874-Giza-Pyramids.jpg stamp postage 1921 4m grn issue=1921 d=Giza pyramids wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-876-Sphinx.jpg stamp postage 1921 5m pink issue=1921 d=Sphinx (1914) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-878-Memnon-Colossi-of-Thebe.jpg stamp postage 9/1/1922 10m lake issue=1921 d=Colossi of Thebes wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-879-Ramses-II.jpg stamp postage 1922 15m dkbl issue=1921 d=statue of Ramses II a wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-882-Citadel-at-Cairo.jpg stamp postage 1921 50m redvio issue=1921 d=Citadel at Cairo wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-883-Rock-Temple-of-Abu-Simbel.jpg stamp postage 1922 100m blk issue=1921 d=Abu Simbel wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4545-350-Boats-on-Nile.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 1m olbrn issue=1922 d=boats on Nile ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-1m-olbrn-boats on Nile wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-3914-901-Cleopatra.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 2m red issue=1922 d=Cleopatra ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-2m-red-Cleopatra wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-3818-497-Overprinted.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 3m org issue=1922 d=Ras-el-Tin Palace ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-3m-org wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-3818-499-Giza-Pyramids.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 4m grn issue=1922 d=Giza pyramids ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-4m-grn-Giza pyramids wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4545-351-Sphinx.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 5m pink issue=1922 d=Sphinx (1914) ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-5m-pnk-Sphinx (1914) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-3818-500-Memnon-Columns-Thebe.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 10m lake issue=1922 d=Colossi of Thebes ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-10m-lk-Colossi of Thebes wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-3818-501-Overprinted.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 15m dkbl issue=1922 d=statue of Ramses II a ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-15m-dkbl-statue of Ramses II a wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4546-963-Ramses-II.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 15m dkbl issue=1922 d=statue of Ramses II b ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-15m-dkbl-statue of Ramses II b wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1785-479-Pylon-of-Karnak-and-Temple-of-Khonsu.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 20m olgrn issue=1922 d=Karnak ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-20m-olgrn-Karnak wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-4546-982-Citadel-at-Cairo.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 50m redvio issue=1922 d=Citadel at Cairo ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1921-50m-redvio-Citadel at Cairo wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-892-Aswan-Dam.jpg stamp postage 10/10/1922 200m plm issue=1922 d=Aswan Dam ovpt=crown oc=blk on=issue=1914-200m-plm-Aswan Dam-wmk=crescent & star wmk=crescent & star o
Colnect-1096-388-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 10/6/1923 1m org issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3988-792-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 12/6/1923 2m blk issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1281-893-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 11/21/1923 3m brn issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 *
Colnect-4919-287-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 12/6/1923 4m grn issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1096-470-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 4/16/1923 5m orgbrn issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1096-076-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 4/16/1923 10m carrose issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1096-387-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 4/16/1923 15m dkbl issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3914-902-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 4/16/1923 20m grn issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-3914-903-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 4/16/1923 50m myrgrn issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-1096-078-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 4/16/1923 100m dlvio issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-4546-983-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 4/16/1923 200m vio issue=1923 d=King Fuad (1923) wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-4488-979-12th-Agricultural-and-Industrial-Exhibition.jpg stamp postage 3/1/1926 15m dpbl d=oxen plowing wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
No image stamp postage 8/24/1926 5m prusgrn d=oxen plowing oc=blk on=1926-50m-prusgrn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
No image stamp postage 8/24/1926 10m dlredvio d=oxen plowing oc=blk on=1926-100m-dlredvio wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
ARC-egypt06.jpg-crop-276x173at668-481.jpg stamp postage 8/24/1926 15m lil d=oxen plowing oc=blk on=1926-200m-lil wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1081-502-Ship-of-Hatshepsut.jpg stamp postage 12/9/1926 5m brn&blk d=ship of Hatshepsut wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1281-907--Port-Fouad--Overprint---Ship-of-Hatshepsut.jpg stamp postage 12/9/1926 10m dpred&blk d=ship of Hatshepsut wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1281-908--Port-Fouad--Overprint---Ship-of-Hatshepsut.jpg stamp postage 12/9/1926 15m dpbl&blk d=ship of Hatshepsut wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1039-359-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 1m dlorg issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4547-007-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 2m blk issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-866-940-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 3m brn issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4562-743-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1930 3m dkgrn issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4562-747-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 4m yelgrn issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
No image stamp postage 1934 4m grn issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-4562-740-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 5m redbrn issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4562-741-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 10m dkred issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4730-983-King-Fuad-I-1868-1936.jpg stamp postage 10/1934 10m pur issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4562-746-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 13m carrose issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4562-742-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 15m bl issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-866-966-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1934 15m dkvio issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-3914-905-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 20m olgrn issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 b) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-3914-928-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1932 20m ultra issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 b) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-6155-985-King-Fuad-I-1868-1936.jpg stamp postage 1934 20m ultra issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 a) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-866-949-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1932 40m sep issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 b) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-3914-906-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 50m blgrn issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 b) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1072-177-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 100m pur issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 b) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-866-952-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1927 200m lil issue=1927 d=King Fuad (1927 b) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14 o
Colnect-1281-909-International-Cotton-Congress---Branch-of-Cotton.jpg stamp postage 1/25/1927 5m brn&graygrn d=cotton wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-670-Statue-of-Amenhotep.jpg stamp postage 12/29/1927 5m orgbrn d=statue of Amenhotep wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-914-Statue-of-Amenhotep.jpg stamp postage 12/29/1927 15m dpbl d=statue of Amenhotep wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-1281-915-International-Congress-of-Medicine---Imhotep.jpg stamp postage 12/15/1928 5m orgbrn issue=International Congress of Medicine 1928 d=Imhotep wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-1281-916-International-Congress-of-Medicine---Mohammed-Ali-Pasha.jpg stamp postage 12/15/1928 10m copred issue=International Congress of Medicine 1928 d=Ali Pasha wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-866-963-Khedive-Ismail-Pasha.jpg stamp postage 2/1/1934 10m vio issue=10th UPU Congress d=Ismail Pasha wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-4562-997-Khedive-Ismail-Pasha-1830-1895.jpg stamp postage 2/1/1934 50m prusbl issue=10th UPU Congress d=Ismail Pasha wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-4547-041-Khedive-Ismail-Pasha-1830-1895.jpg stamp postage 2/1/1934 100m olgrn issue=10th UPU Congress d=Ismail Pasha wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-866-968-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1936 1m dlorg issue=1936 d=King Fuad (1936) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-866-969-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1936 2m blk issue=1936 d=King Fuad (1936) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-866-970-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1936 4m dkgrn issue=1936 d=King Fuad (1936) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-866-971-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1936 5m brn issue=1936 d=King Fuad (1936) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1279-812-King-Fuad-I-1868-1936.jpg stamp postage 1937 10m pur issue=1936 d=King Fuad (1936) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-866-973-King-Fuad-I.jpg stamp postage 1936 15m blkvio issue=1936 d=King Fuad (1936) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-721-King-Fuad-I-1868-1936.jpg stamp postage 1936 20m bl issue=1936 d=King Fuad (1936) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-722-15th-Agricultural-and-Industrial-Exhibition.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1936 5m brn issue=15th Agricultural and Industrial Exhibition d=entrance wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5x13 *
No image stamp postage 12/22/1936 5m brn issue=Anglo-Egyptian Treaty wmk=triple crescent & star perf=11x11.5 *
No image stamp postage 12/22/1936 10m dkvio issue=Anglo-Egyptian Treaty wmk=triple crescent & star *
ARC-egypt10.jpg-crop-350x166at516-945.jpg stamp postage 12/22/1936 20m dpbl issue=Anglo-Egyptian Treaty wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1096-642-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 1m orgbrn issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-5488-344-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 2m ver issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1096-644-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 3m blkbrn issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1096-645-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 4m grn issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3836-339-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 5m redbrn issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3836-339-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 5m redbrn issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3836-348-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 10/20/1940 6m yelgrn issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1096-652-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 10m pur issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1096-652-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 10m pur issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3836-340-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 13m car issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3836-341-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 15m blkvio issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3836-342-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1937 20m bl issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-3836-350-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 3/1/1944 20m gray issue=1937 d=King Farouk (1937) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
ARC-egypt10a.jpg-crop-161x260at253-500.jpg stamp postage 10/15/1937 5m redbrn issue=abolition of capitulations d=Medal for Montreux Conference wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5x13 *
Colnect-3836-343-Medal-for-Montreux-Conference.jpg stamp postage 10/15/1937 15m blkvio issue=abolition of capitulations d=Medal for Montreux Conference wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5x13 *
Colnect-1281-940-Medal-for-Montreux-Conference.jpg stamp postage 10/15/1937 20m dkbl issue=abolition of capitulations d=Medal for Montreux Conference wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5x13 *
Colnect-1281-941-15th-Ophthalmological-Congress---Eye-of-Ra.jpg stamp postage 12/8/1937 5m redbrn issue=15th Ophthalmological Congress d=Eye of Ra wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 *
Colnect-1281-942-15th-Ophthalmological-Congress---Eye-of-Ra.jpg stamp postage 12/8/1937 15m blkvio issue=15th Ophthalmological Congress d=Eye of Ra wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 *
Colnect-1281-943-15th-Ophthalmological-Congress---Eye-of-Ra.jpg stamp postage 12/8/1937 20m bl issue=15th Ophthalmological Congress d=Eye of Ra wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 *
Colnect-1281-947-International-Cotton-Congress---Cotton-Picker.jpg stamp postage 1/26/1938 20m bl d=cotton picker wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5x13 *
Colnect-1281-948-Pyramids-of-Giza-and-Colossus-of-Thebes-5.jpg stamp postage 2/1/1938 5m redbrn issue=International Telecommunications Conference wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-4547-048-International-Leprosy-Congress---Branch-of-Hydnocarpus.jpg stamp postage 3/21/1938 15m dkvio issue=International Leprosy Congress 1938 wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1279-802-King-Farouk-in-front-of-the-Pyramids-of-Gizeh.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1939 30m gray issue=1939 d=King Farouk & Giza pyramids wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1279-806-King-Farouk-in-front-of-the-Pyramids-of-Gizeh.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1939 30m graygrn issue=1939 d=King Farouk & Giza pyramids wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1279-807-King-Farouk-in-front-of-El-Rifai-Mosque.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1939 40m dkbrn issue=1939 d=King Farouk in front of El Rifai Mosque wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1279-808-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Cairo-Citadel.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1939 50m prusgrn issue=1939 d=King Farouk & Cairo citadel wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1279-809-King-Farouk-in-front-of-the-Aswan-Dam.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1939 100m brnvio issue=1939 d=King Farouk & Aswan Dam wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1279-810-King-Farouk-in-front-of-the-university.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1939 200m brnvio issue=1939 d=King Farouk & Cairo University wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1281-729-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1939 50pi grn&sep issue=1939 d=King Farouk (1939) wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-1281-744-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1939 1lb bl&brn issue=1939 d=King Farouk (1939) wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-3836-365-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1945 1m yelbrn issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4423-920-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1945 2m redorg issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-3836-372-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1946 3m dkbrn issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1279-839-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1945 4m dpgrn issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-1279-841-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1946 5m redbrn issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-3836-363-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1944 10m vio issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1279-838-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1945 15m dkvio issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-3836-364-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1944 17m olgrn issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-3836-368-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1945 20m gray issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-4423-921-King-Farouk-1920-1965.jpg stamp postage 1945 22m dpbl issue=1944 d=King Farouk (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-3836-360-In-Memoriam---King-Fuad-I-1868-1936.jpg stamp postage 4/28/1944 10m dlvio issue=King Fuad death 8th d=King Fuad (1944) wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-3836-369-25th-Birthday-of-King-Farouk.jpg stamp postage 2/10/1945 10m vio issue=King Farouk 25th wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1281-957-In-Memoriam---Khedive-Ismail-Pasha-1830-1895.jpg stamp postage 3/2/1945 10m dkol issue=Khedive Ismail death 50th wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1081-503-Flags-of-Arab-Nations-Cairo-Conference.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1945 10m vio issue=League of Arab Nations wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-1096-866-Flags-of-Arab-Nations-Cairo-Conference.jpg stamp postage 7/29/1945 22m yelgrn issue=League of Arab Nations wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-3836-373-Flags-of-Egypt-and-Saudi-Arabia.jpg stamp postage 1/10/1946 10m yelgrn issue=King Ibn Saud visit wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1279-855-Withdrawal-of-British-Troops-from-Cairo-Citadel.jpg stamp postage 8/9/1946 10m brn&grn d=Cairo citadel wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-1279-844-King-Farouk.jpg stamp postage 11/9/1946 1m yelgrn issue=Arab League Congress 1946 wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-1279-845-Iman-Yahia.jpg stamp postage 11/9/1946 2m sep issue=Arab League Congress 1946 wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-1279-846-Bechara-Khory.jpg stamp postage 11/9/1946 3m bl issue=Arab League Congress 1946 d=Bechara Khory wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-3836-376-Ibn-Sahoud.jpg stamp postage 11/9/1946 4m brnorg issue=Arab League Congress 1946 d=Ibn Sahoud wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-4423-922-Fa%C3%AF%C3%A7al-II.jpg stamp postage 11/9/1946 5m brnred issue=Arab League Congress 1946 d=King Faisal II of Iraq wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-4423-923-Abdulah.jpg stamp postage 11/9/1946 10m issue=Arab League Congress 1946 d=King Abdullah I of Jordan wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-4423-932-Shukri-el-Kouatly-President-of-Syria.jpg stamp postage 11/9/1946 15m vio issue=Arab League Congress 1946 d=Shukri el Kouatly President of Syria wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 *
Colnect-1279-869-King-Farouk-in-front-of-the-Pyramids-of-Gizeh.jpg stamp postage 1947 30m olgrn issue=1947 d=Farouk redrawn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1281-958-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Hussan-Mosque.jpg stamp postage 1947 40m dkbrn issue=1947 d=Farouk redrawn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1281-959-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Cairo-Citadel.jpg stamp postage 1948 50m prusgrn issue=1947 d=Farouk redrawn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1281-960-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Aswan-Dam-Mosque.jpg stamp postage 1949 100m dkbrnvio issue=1947 d=Farouk redrawn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1281-961-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Cairo-University.jpg stamp postage 1949 200m dkvio issue=1947 d=Farouk redrawn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-5414-943-Parliament.jpg stamp postage 4/7/1947 10m grn d=Egyptian Parliament Building wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1279-868-Evacuation-of-British-troops-from-the-Nile-Delta.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1947 10m dpplm&yelgrn d=British troop withdrawal wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-1281-962-International-Cotton-Congress---Field-and-branch-of-Cotton.jpg stamp postage 4/1/1948 10m olgrn issue=cotton congress 1948 wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-1281-963-Arrival-of-Egyptian-Troops-at-Gaza---Map-and-Infantry-column.jpg stamp postage 6/15/1948 10m grn d=Egyptian troops in Gaza wmk=triple crescent & star perf=11.5x11 *
Colnect-5692-860-Death-of-Ibrahim-Pasha-1848-1948.jpg stamp postage 11/10/1948 10m brnred&grn issue=Ibrahim Pasha death 100th wmk=triple crescent & star o
Colnect-1281-965-16th-Agricultural-and-Industrial-Exhibition.jpg stamp postage 3/1/1949 1m dkgrn issue=16th Agricultural & Industrial Exposition d=statue The Nile wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1281-967-16th-Agricultural-and-Industrial-Exhibition.jpg stamp postage 3/1/1949 17m rosered issue=16th Agricultural & Industrial Exposition d=statue The Nile wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1281-970-Death-of-Mohammed-Ali-1849-1949.jpg stamp postage 8/2/1949 10m orgbrn&grn issue=Mohammed Aly death 100th wmk=triple crescent & star perf=11.5x11 *
Colnect-1281-971-75th-Anniversary-Universal-Postal-Union.jpg stamp postage 10/9/1949 10m brn issue=UPU 75th d=globe inside stamp outline wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5x13 *
Colnect-1281-972-75th-Anniversary-Universal-Postal-Union.jpg stamp postage 10/9/1949 22m vio issue=UPU 75th d=globe inside stamp outline wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5x13 *
Colnect-1281-973-75th-Anniversary-Universal-Postal-Union.jpg stamp postage 10/9/1949 30m dlbl issue=UPU 75th d=globe inside stamp outline wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5x13 *
Colnect-1281-974-Scales-of-Justice.jpg stamp postage 10/14/1949 10m dpgrn issue=end of mixed judiciary wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1281-979-International-Cotton-Congress---Woman-Picking-Cotton.jpg stamp postage 2/24/1951 10m olgrn d=picking cotton (1951) wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1281-987-King-Farouk-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 1m yelbrn issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=King Farouk (1944) ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1944-1m-yelbrn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-988-King-Farouk-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 2m redorg issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=King Farouk (1944) ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1944-2m-redorg wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-990-King-Farouk-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 4m dpgrn issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=King Farouk (1944) ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1944-4m-dpgrn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1280-830-King-Farouk-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 10m vio issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=King Farouk (1944) ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1944-10m-vio wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-994-King-Farouk-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 17m olgrn issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=King Farouk (1944) ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1944-17m-olgrn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-995-King-Farouk-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 20m gray issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=King Farouk (1944) ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1944-20m-gray wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5 o
Colnect-1281-997-King-Farouk-in-front-of-the-Pyramids-of-Gizeh-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 30m olgrn issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=Farouk redrawn ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1947-30m-olgrn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1281-998-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Hussan-Mosque-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 40m dkbrn issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=Farouk redrawn ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1947-40m-dkbrn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1280-842-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Cairo-Citadel-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 50m prusgrn issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=Farouk redrawn ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1947-50m-prusgrn wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1281-999-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Aswan-Dam-Mosque-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 100m dkbrnvio issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=Farouk redrawn ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1947-100m-dkbrnvio wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1282-000-King-Farouk-in-front-of-Cairo-University-with-overprint.jpg stamp postage 1/17/1952 200m dkvio issue=King of Egypt and the Sudan d=Farouk redrawn ovpt=King...(arabic) oc=blk on=issue=1947-200m-dkvio wmk=triple crescent & star perf=14x13.5 o
Colnect-1081-504-Birth-of-Crown-Prince-Ahmed-Fuad---Egyptian-Flag.jpg stamp postage 5/6/1952 10m multi issue=Birth of Crown Prince Ahmed Fuad wmk=triple crescent & star *
Colnect-1291-891-Farmer.jpg stamp postage 1953 1m redbrn issue=1953a d=farmer (1953) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1009-531-Labourer.jpg stamp postage 1953 2m dkvio issue=1953a d=farmer (1953) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
Colnect-1288-333-Farmer.jpg stamp postage 1953 4m dkgrn issue=1953a d=farmer (1953) wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13x13.5 o
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