Aggregate public stamp collection of Switzerland

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401 to 600 of 983
Obj What Descr State Condition Value Notes
Colnect-140-364-Tent-camp--amp--scout-badge.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1969 10c multi issue=Swiss Girl Scouts 50th d=Tent camp scout badge unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-365-Winged-horse-Pegasus-constellation.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1969 20(c) dkbl issue=Swiss planetarium opening d=Winged horse Pegasus constellation unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-366-Two-lions--amp--Comptoir-badge.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1969 30(c) multi issue=Comptoir Suisse 50th d=Two lions Comptoir badge unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-367-Gymnaestrada-badge.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1969 50(c) multi issue=Gymnaestrada 1969 d=Gymnaestrada badge unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-368-Postal-aircraft-DH-3-1919--amp--jet-aircraft-DC-8.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1969 2fr multi issue=Swiss airmail 50th d=Postal aircraft DH-3 1919 jet aircraft DC-8 unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-370--quot-CEPT-quot--letters-forming-a-temple.jpg stamp postage 4/28/1969 30(c) multi issue=Europa 1969 d=Europa colonnade (a) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-371--quot-CEPT-quot--letters-forming-a-temple.jpg stamp postage 4/28/1969 50(c) multi issue=Europa 1969 d=Europa colonnade (a) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-384-Kreuzberge-Alpstein.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1969 20(c) multi d=Kreuzberge unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-385-Children-at-pedestrian-crosswalk.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1969 30(c) multi d=children crossing street unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-386-Blacksmith.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1969 50(c) multi issue=ILO 50th d=blacksmith (1969) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-378-Huldrych-Zwingli-1484-1531-reformer.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1969 10c issue=1969 famous Swiss d=Zwingli unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-379-Henri-Guisan-1874-1960-general.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1969 20(c) issue=1969 famous Swiss d=Henri Guisan unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-380-Francesco-Borromini-1599-1667-architect.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1969 30(c) issue=1969 famous Swiss d=Francesco Borromini 1599-1667 architect unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-381-Othmar-Schoeck-1886-1957-composer.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1969 50(c) bl issue=1969 famous Swiss d=Othmar Schoeck unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-382-Madame-Germaine-de-Stael-1766-1817-writer.jpg stamp postage 9/18/1969 80c dkorgred issue=1969 famous Swiss d=Germaine de Stael unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-393-Telex-band.jpg stamp postage 2/26/1970 20(c) multi d=telex tape unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-394-Saving-a-child.jpg stamp postage 2/26/1970 30(c) multi d=Fireman rescuing child unwmk perf=11.5 *
No image stamp postage 2/26/1970 30(c) multi issue=Pro Infirmis Foundation 50th unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-396-Badge-of-the-UNO.jpg stamp postage 2/26/1970 50(c) multi issue=UN 25th d=United Nations emblem unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-397-UPU-Building-Bern.jpg stamp postage 2/26/1970 80c multi d=UPU HQ (1970 Switzerland) unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-399-Wattling-symbolising-the-sun.jpg stamp postage 5/4/1970 30(c) red issue=Europa 1970 d=Europa flaming sun unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-400-Wattling-symbolising-the-sun.jpg stamp postage 5/4/1970 50(c) bl issue=Europa 1970 d=Europa flaming sun unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-407-Football-player-making-a-header.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1970 10c multi d=soccer (1970) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-408-Part-of-a-survey-form.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1970 20(c) multi issue=census 1970 d=Part of a survey form unwmk perf=11.5 o
No image stamp postage 9/17/1970 30(c) multi d=Piz Palu unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-410-European-Nature-Preservation-Year.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1970 50(c) multi issue=Nature Conservation Year unwmk perf=11.5 o
ARC-swiss29.jpg-crop-100x108at225-341.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1970 10c dlred issue=numeral unwmk perf=11.5 *
No image stamp postage 9/17/1970 20(c) dkgrn issue=numeral unwmk perf=11.5 *
No image stamp postage 9/17/1970 30(c) dkbl issue=numeral unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-421-Gymnastics.jpg stamp postage 3/11/1971 10c multi d=gymnasts unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-422-Footrace.jpg stamp postage 3/11/1971 10c multi d=runners (1971) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-423-Stylized-rose.jpg stamp postage 3/11/1971 20(c) multi d=symbolic rose unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-424-Stamp-MiNr-CH-8--amp--dragon.jpg stamp postage 3/11/1971 30(c) multi issue=NABA d=Stamp MiNr CH 8 dragon unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-425-Spiral.jpg stamp postage 3/11/1971 50(c) multi d=development aid spiral unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-426-Satelite--quot-Intelsat-IV-quot-.jpg stamp postage 3/11/1971 80c multi d=Intelsat IV satellite unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-428-Copy-of-the-1850-Rayon-I-stamp.jpg stamp postage 3/11/1971 2fr multi d=NABA 71 sheet unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-430-Fraternity--amp--cooperation-symbolized-by-a-chain.jpg stamp postage 5/3/1971 30(c) red&yelorg issue=Europa 1971 d=Europa links unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-431-Fraternity--amp--cooperation-symbolized-by-a-chain.jpg stamp postage 5/3/1971 50(c) issue=Europa 1971 d=Europa links unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-438-Les-Diablerets-Waadt-Canton.jpg stamp postage 9/23/1971 30(c) multi d=Les Diablerets mountain, Vaud unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-439-Schematic-depiction-of-telecommunications.jpg stamp postage 9/23/1971 40c multi issue=50th Anniversary of the Radio Switzerland d=Schematic depiction of telecommunications unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-441-Alexandre-John-Emile-Yersin-1863-1943-bacteriologist.jpg stamp postage 9/23/1971 10c dkbrnol issue=physicians 1971 dt=physicians (1971) d=Yersin unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-442-Auguste-Forel-1848-1931-neurologist.jpg stamp postage 9/23/1971 20(c) dkblgrn issue=physicians 1971 dt=physicians (1971) d=Auguste Forel unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-443-Jules-Gonin-1870-1935-oculist.jpg stamp postage 9/23/1971 30(c) car issue=physicians 1971 dt=physicians (1971) d=Jules Gonin unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-444-Robert-Koch-1843-1910-bacteriologist.jpg stamp postage 9/23/1971 40c dkgraybl issue=physicians 1971 dt=physicians (1971) d=Robert Koch 1843-1910 bacteriologist unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-445-Frederick-G-Banting-1891-1941-physiologist.jpg stamp postage 9/23/1971 80c pur issue=physicians 1971 dt=physicians (1971) d=F. G. Banting unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-452-Breakdown-service.jpg stamp postage 2/17/1972 10c multi issue=automobile club 75th d=crescent wrench unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-453-Adjustment-table-showing-railway-tracks.jpg stamp postage 2/17/1972 20(c) multi issue=railroad 125th d=Adjustment table showing railway tracks unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-454-Acoustic-sound-waves--amp--face.jpg stamp postage 2/17/1972 30(c) multi issue=Swiss radio 50th unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-455-Tree-with-5-branches-continents--amp--22-leaves-cantons.jpg stamp postage 2/17/1972 40c multi d=symbolic tree unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-458-Stars.jpg stamp postage 5/2/1972 30(c) multi issue=Europa 1972 dt=Europa stars d=Europa stars unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-459-Stars.jpg stamp postage 5/2/1972 40c multi issue=Europa 1972 dt=Europa stars d=Europa stars unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-466-Badge-of-the-Civil-Protection-Organisation.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 10c multi issue=civil defense d=Badge of the Civil Protection Organisation unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-467-Spann-ouml-rter-Uri-Canton.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 20(c) multi d=Spannoerter mountain unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-468-Alouette-III---turbine-helicopter.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 30(c) multi d=Red Cross helicopter unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-469-Clean-air--amp--fire-fertile-soil-pure-water.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 40c multi d=clean air, fire, water,&earth unwmk perf=11.5 *
Colnect-140-471-Alberto-Giacometti-1901-66-painter--amp--sculptor.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 10c org&blk dt=artists & scientists d=Giacometti unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-472-Charles-Ferdinand-Ramuz-1878-1947-writer.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 20(c) ltol&blk dt=artists & scientists d=Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-473-Le-Corbusier-1887-1965-architect--amp--city-planner.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 30(c) rose&blk dt=artists & scientists d=Le Corbusier unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-474-Albert-Einstein-1879-1955-physicist.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 40c bl&blk dt=artists & scientists d=Albert Einstein (1972) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-475-Arthur-Honegger-1892-1955-composer.jpg stamp postage 9/21/1972 80c dt=artists & scientists d=Arthur Honegger unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-5242-840-Bidogno-Tessin.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 5c och&dkbl issue=1973 d=Sottoceneri unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-841-Spl%C3%BCgen-Graub%C3%BCnden.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 10c pur&dkolgrn issue=1973 d=Splügen unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-842-Werthenstein-Luzern.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 15(c) red&dkultra issue=1973 d=Werthenstein unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-843-Saignel%C3%A9gier-Bern.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 25(c) brtgrn&dkultra issue=1973 d=Saignelégier unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-844-Erlenbach-in-Simmental-Bern.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 30(c) brnred&lilbl issue=1973 d=Erlenbach in Simmental Bern unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-852-Innerschweiz.jpg stamp postage 11/27/1975 35(c) multi issue=1973 d=Innerschweiz unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-845-Riex-Waadt.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 40c ltbl&blkgrn issue=1973 d=Riex unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-848-Ernen-Wallis.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 50(c) olgrn&ver issue=1973 d=Ernen unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-849-Scuol-Graub%C3%BCnden.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 60(c) blgray&brnoch issue=1973 d=Scuol unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-850-Bellinzona-Tessin.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 70(c) blgrn&viobrn issue=1973 d=Bellinzona Tessin unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-851-Ermatingen-Thurgau.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 80c multi issue=1973 d=Ermartingen Thurgau unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5873-435-Rosette-Lausanne-Cathedral.jpg stamp postage 9/19/1974 1fr dkbrnvio issue=1973 d=rose window, Lausanne Cathedral unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5251-135-Gallus-Gate-M%C3%BCnster-Basel.jpg stamp postage 11/27/1975 1.10fr dkgrnbl issue=1973 d=Gallus Gate Münster Basel unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-5873-437-Roanic-capital-St-Jean-Baptiste-Church-Grandson.jpg stamp postage 9/19/1974 1.20fr red issue=1973 d=Roanic capital St-Jean-Baptiste Church Grandson unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5873-425-Inn-sign--Zur-Sonne--Toggenburg---St-Gallen.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1973 1.30fr brnorg issue=1973 d=Inn sign Zur Sonne Toggenburg - St Gallen unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5873-438-Roof-medallion-Monastery-Museum-Stein-a-Rhine.jpg stamp postage 9/19/1974 1.50fr dpgrn issue=1973 d=Roof medallion Monastery Museum Stein a Rhine unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5873-426-Roman-capital-St-Jean-Baptiste-Church-Grandson.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1973 1.70fr dkblgray issue=1973 d=Roman capital St-Jean-Baptiste Church Grandson unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5873-427-Gargoyle-M%C3%BCnster-in-Bern.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1973 1.80fr redorg issue=1973 d=Gargoyle Münster in Bern unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5873-445-Oriel-Schaffhausen.jpg stamp postage 9/19/1974 2fr dkultra issue=1973 d=Oriel Schaffhausen unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-572-Weathercock-St-Ursen-Cathedral-Solothurn.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1975 2.50fr orgbrn issue=1973 d=Weathercock St Ursen Cathedral Solothurn unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-711-Astronomic-Clock-of-the-Bern-clocktower.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1980 3.50(fr) dkgrnol issue=1973 d=Astronomic Clock of the Bern clocktower unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-482-Parabolic-antenna---world-map.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1973 15(c) multi d=satellite station at Leuk unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-483-Quill-pen---arrow-signet.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1973 30(c) multi issue=Swiss Association of Commercial Employees 100th unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-484-Interpol-badge.jpg stamp postage 2/15/1973 40c multi issue=INTERPOL 50th d=Interpol badge unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-490-Stylized-post-horn.jpg stamp postage 4/30/1973 25(c) brnlil&orgyel issue=Europa 1973 d=Europa posthorn unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-491-Stylized-post-horn.jpg stamp postage 4/30/1973 40c ultra&orgyel issue=Europa 1973 d=Europa posthorn unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-499-Badge-of-the-championships---downhill-skier.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 30(c) multi issue=skiing world championships 1974 unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-500-Child-s-face.jpg stamp postage 8/30/1973 40c blvio&blk d=childs face unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-519-Globe-with-house-and-tree-as-symbol.jpg stamp postage 1/29/1974 15(c) multi issue=Swiss Youth Hostels 50th unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-520-Rhythmics-gymnast---hurdlers.jpg stamp postage 1/29/1974 30(c) multi issue=SATUS 100th unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-521-WC-Shooting.jpg stamp postage 1/29/1974 40c multi issue=marksmanship championships d=target & pistol unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5252-743--Continuity--by-Max-Bill.jpg stamp postage 3/28/1974 30(c) dkrose&dkgray issue=Europa 1974 d=Continuity unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5252-744--Amazon--by-Carl-Burckhardt.jpg stamp postage 3/28/1974 40c multi issue=Europa 1974 d=Amazon unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-856-Bern--seat-of-the-UPU.jpg stamp postage 3/28/1974 30(c) multi issue=UPU 100th b d=Bern buildings unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-855-Lausanne--Venue-of-the-UPU-congress.jpg stamp postage 3/28/1974 30(c) multi issue=UPU 100th b d=Lausanne buildings unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-529-Eugene-Borel-1835-92-1st-director-of-the-UPU.jpg stamp postage 3/28/1974 30(c) issue=UPU 100th b d=Eugene Borel unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-530-Heinrich-von-Stephan-1831-97-founder-of-the-UPU.jpg stamp postage 3/28/1974 40c issue=UPU 100th b d=von Stephan unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-531-Montgomery-Blair-1813-83-general-postmaster-USA.jpg stamp postage 3/28/1974 80c issue=UPU 100th b d=Montgomery Blair unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5251-134-Iron-sculpture--Oath-Hands--by-Werner-Witschis.jpg stamp postage 9/19/1974 15(c) multi issue=Swiss constitution 100th d=Iron sculpture Oath Hands by Werner Witschis unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-550-Badge-of-Swiss-Sport-Aid.jpg stamp postage 9/19/1974 30(c) multi issue=Swiss Sports Foundation unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-551-Post-horn---symbolism.jpg stamp postage 9/19/1974 30(c) multi issue=Swiss Federal Post 125th unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-558-International-Prototype-Metre---Krypton-spectral-line.jpg stamp postage 2/13/1975 15(c) multi issue=International Meter Convention 100th unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-559-Women-s-faces.jpg stamp postage 2/13/1975 30(c) multi issue=International Women's Year d=Womens faces unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-560-Red-cross-flag-surrounded-by-barbed-wire.jpg stamp postage 2/13/1975 60(c) multi issue=Diplomatic Conference on Humanitarian Law d=Red cross flag surrounded by barbed wire unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-561-Airship--Ville-de-Lucerne--1910.jpg stamp postage 2/13/1975 90(c) multi issue=air & space travel exhibition d=Airship Ville de Luzerne 1910 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-563--M%C3%B6nch-Mountain--by-Ferdinand-Hodler-1853-1918.jpg stamp postage 4/28/1975 30(c) multi issue=Europa 1975 d=Moench by Ferdinand Hodler unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-564--Still-with-Guitar--by-Ren%C3%A9-Auberjonois-1872-1957.jpg stamp postage 4/28/1975 50(c) multi issue=Europa 1975 d=Still Life with Guitar unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-565--L-effeuilleuse--by-Maurice-Barraud-1889-1954.jpg stamp postage 4/28/1975 60(c) multi issue=Europa 1975 d=Vineyard Worker unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-573-Wheelchair-transport-on-stairs.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1975 15(c) multi issue=access for the disabled d=wheelchair transport on stairs unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-574-The-proffered-hand.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1975 30(c) multi issue=telephone pastoral counseling unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-575-European-Monuments-Year.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1975 50(c) orgbrn&dkbrn issue=European Architectural Heritage Year unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-576-Beat-Fischer-von-Reichenbach-1641-1698-founder.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1975 60(c) multi issue=Fischer Post 300th d=Beat Fischer von Reichenbach unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-585-Forest-landscape.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1976 20(c) multi issue=Federal forest laws 100th d=forest landscape unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-586-Still-life-with-fruits-and-crops.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1976 40c multi d=fruits&vegetables unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-587-Sick-child.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1976 40c multi issue=fight against leprosy d=Sick child unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-588-Bell-s-telephone-1876---modern-telephone.jpg stamp postage 2/12/1976 80c issue=telephone 100th d=Bells telephone 1876 modern telephone unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-590-Flower-pattern-of-a-cotton-embroidery.jpg stamp postage 5/3/1976 40c multi issue=Europa 1976 d=lace unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-591-Pocket-watch-late-18th-Cty.jpg stamp postage 5/3/1976 80c multi issue=Europa 1976 d=pocket watch unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-599-Stylized-sun---inscription.jpg stamp postage 9/16/1976 40c multi issue=energy conservation d=Stylized sun inscription unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-600-Gotthard-Massif.jpg stamp postage 9/16/1976 40c multi d=St Gotthard Mountains unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-601-Ice-speed-skater.jpg stamp postage 9/16/1976 80c multi issue=mens skating championships d=Ice speed skater unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-608-Alcoholic-with-aid--amp--Blue-Cross-sign.jpg stamp postage 1/27/1977 20(c) multi issue=Blue Cross Society 100th d=Alcoholic with aid Blue Cross sign unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-609-Bachus---head-inside-a-sun-Festival-badge.jpg stamp postage 1/27/1977 40c multi issue=Vintage Festival d=Bachus head inside a sun Festival badge unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-610-Children--s-air-ballons-with-JUPHILEX-letters.jpg stamp postage 1/27/1977 80c multi issue=JUPHILEX 77 d=Childrens air ballons with JUPHILEX letters unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-853-St-Ursanne-Jura.jpg stamp postage 5/2/1977 40c multi issue=Europa 1977 d=St Ursanne unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-854-Sils-Baselgia-Oberengadin.jpg stamp postage 5/2/1977 80c multi issue=Europa 1977 d=Sils-Baselgia unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-626-Cultural-Goods-protection-shield-on-Ionic-capital.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 20(c) multi issue=Federal Factories Act 100th d=Factory building worker with safety helmet unwmk perf=11.5 **
No image stamp postage 8/25/1977 40c multi issue=protection of cultural monuments unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-627-Road-sign-with-Swiss-cross--amp--butterfly.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 80c multi d=hiking trails unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-3104-728-Folklore.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 5c blgrn issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=star singer, Berguen unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-3104-731-Folklore.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 10c dkred issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=horse race, Zurich unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-3104-734-Folklore.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 20(c) ver issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Silvesterkläuse Herisau unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-854-Chesslete-Solothurn.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1984 25(c) dklilbrn issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Chessiete Solothurn unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-802-R%C3%B6llelibutzen-Altstaetten.jpg stamp postage 11/25/1982 30(c) emer issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Röllelibutzen Altstatten unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-3104-736-Folklore.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 35(c) grnol issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Gansabhauet Sursee unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-633-Escalade-Geneva.jpg stamp postage 9/11/1984 40c dppur issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Escalade Geneva unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-1789-794-Achetringele-Laupen.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 50(c) brnred issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Achetringele Laupen unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-635-Processione-storiche-Mendrisio.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 70(c) dlpur issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Processione storiche Mendrisio unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-636-Vogel-Gryff-Basel.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 80c prusbl issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Vogel Gryff Basel unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-637-Roitsch-auml-gg-auml-t-auml--L-ouml-tschental.jpg stamp postage 8/25/1977 90(c) mar issue=1977 dt=folk customs d=Roitschäggätä Lötschental unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-644-Stage-coach-shield-from-Waadtland.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 20(c) multi issue=LEMANEX 78 d=Stage-coach shield from Waadtland unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-860-Luzern-places-of-interest.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 40c multi issue=Lucerne 800th d=Lucerne unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-646-Frontpage-of-the-first-Geneva-book--quot-Melusine-quot-.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 70(c) multi issue=printing in Geneva 500th d=Frontpage of the first Geneva book Melusine unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-647-Bellows-of-a-photo-camera.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 80c multi issue=photography exhibition d=Bellows of a photo camera unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-649-Paddlesteamer--quot-La-Suisse-quot--1910.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 20(c) multi issue=LEMANEX 78 dt=lake steamers d=La Suisse 1910 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-650-Paddlesteamer--quot-Il-Verbano-quot--1826.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 20(c) multi issue=LEMANEX 78 dt=lake steamers d=Paddlesteamer Il Verbano 1826 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-651-Ferry--quot-Gotthard-quot--1970.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 40c multi issue=LEMANEX 78 dt=lake steamers d=Ferry Gotthard 1970 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-652-Ferry--quot-Ville-de-Neuchatel-quot--1972.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 40c multi issue=LEMANEX 78 dt=lake steamers d=Ferry Ville de Neuchatel 1972 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-653-Ferry--quot-Romanshorn-quot--1958.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 40c multi issue=LEMANEX 78 dt=lake steamers d=Ferry Romanshorn 1958 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-654-Paddlesteamer--quot-Winkelried-quot--1871.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 40c multi issue=LEMANEX 78 dt=lake steamers d=Paddlesteamer Winkelried 1871 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-655-Ferry--quot-L-ouml-tschberg-quot--1914.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 70(c) multi issue=LEMANEX 78 dt=lake steamers d=Ferry Lötschberg 1914 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-656-Ferry--quot-W-auml-denswill-quot--1895.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1978 80c multi issue=LEMANEX 78 dt=lake steamers d=Ferry Wädenswill 1895 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5251-136-Stockalper-Palace-Brig.jpg stamp postage 5/2/1978 40c multi issue=Europa 1978 d=Stockalper Palace, Brig unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5251-137-City-hall-Bern.jpg stamp postage 5/2/1978 80c multi issue=Europa 1978 d=Diet Hall, Bern unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-667-Safety-at-Work--Worker-wearing-safety-helmet.jpg stamp postage 9/14/1978 40c multi issue=industrial safety d=worker wearing safety helmet unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-668-Safety-at-Work--Worker-wearing-goggles.jpg stamp postage 9/14/1978 40c multi issue=industrial safety d=worker wearing goggles unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-669-Safety-at-Work--Worker-wearing-respirator.jpg stamp postage 9/14/1978 40c multi issue=industrial safety d=worker wearing respirator unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-671-Abb-eacute--Joseph-Bovet-1879-1951-composer.jpg stamp postage 9/14/1978 20(c) dkgrn issue=portraits 1978 d=Joseph Bovet unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-672-Henri-Dunant-1828-1910-philantropist.jpg stamp postage 9/14/1978 40c dkbrnvio issue=portraits 1978 d=Henri Dunant (1978) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-673-Carl-Gustav-Jung-1875-1961-psychologist.jpg stamp postage 9/14/1978 70(c) dkbrnol issue=portraits 1978 d=Carl Gustav Jung unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-674-August-Piccard-1884-1962-physicist.jpg stamp postage 9/14/1978 80c graybl issue=portraits 1978 d=Auguste Piccard (1978) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-687-Othmar-H-Ammann-1879-1965-building-engineer---bridge.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1979 20(c) multi issue=Othmar Ammann 100th d=bridge & Othmar Ammann unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-688-50th-Federal-Riflemen%E2%80%99s-Festival-Lucerne-July-7-22.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1979 40c multi issue=50th riflemans festival d=target flag unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-689-Esperanto-World-Congress.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1979 70(c) multi issue=64th Esperanto Congress d=Hot Air Balloon unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-690-Basel-Mulhouse-Intl-Airport.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1979 80c multi issue=new runway, Basel-Mulhouse Airport d=Tailplanes airport buildings unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-682-Rainer-Maria-Rilke-1875-1926-writer.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1979 20(c) dlgrn issue=portraits 1979 d=Rainer Maria Rilke (1979) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-683-Paul-Klee-1879-1940-painter---graphic-artist.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1979 40c brnred issue=portraits 1979 d=Paul Klee unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-685-Thomas-Mann-1875-1955.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1979 80c dkgrnbl issue=portraits 1979 d=Thomas Mann (1979) unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-5242-862-Letterbox-of-Basel-1845.jpg stamp postage 4/30/1979 40c multi issue=Europa 1979 d=letter box unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-5242-863-Alpine-relais-station-Jungfraujoch.jpg stamp postage 4/30/1979 80c multi issue=Europa 1979 d=Alpine relais station Jungfraujoch unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-702-Child-on-a-peace-dove.jpg stamp postage 9/6/1979 40c multi issue=International Year of the Child unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-704-Carrier-rocket--Ariane-.jpg stamp postage 9/6/1979 80c multi issue=ESA d=Ariane 1 unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-712-Blossoming-tree.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1980 20(c) multi issue=Green 80 unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-713-Milk-cask-with-woodcarvings.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1980 40c multi issue=Swiss Arts & Crafts Centers 50th d=Milk cask with woodcarvings unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-5242-864-City-hall-of-Winterthur.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1980 70(c) multi issue=art history society 50th d=City hall of Winterthur unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-715--quot-Pic-Pic-quot--of-the-Geneva-Automobile-Factory.jpg stamp postage 2/21/1980 80c multi issue=50th Geneva International Motor Show unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-717-Johann-Conrad-Kern-1808-88-politician.jpg stamp postage 4/28/1980 40c multi issue=Europa 1980 d=Johann Konrad Kern unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-718-Gustav-Adolf-Hasler-1830-1900-industrialist.jpg stamp postage 4/28/1980 80c multi issue=Europa 1980 d=Gustav Adolf Hasler unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-725-Postal-cheque--amp--letterbox.jpg stamp postage 9/5/1980 20(c) multi issue=postal Giro system d=Postal cheque letterbox unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-730-Swiss-meteorological-office-centenary.jpg stamp postage 9/5/1980 20(c) multi issue=Swiss Meteorological Office 100th unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-726-Post-omnibus--amp--bus-stop.jpg stamp postage 9/5/1980 40c multi issue=postal bus system unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-731-Symbolism.jpg stamp postage 9/5/1980 40c multi issue=Swiss Trade Union Federation 100th unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-727-Cylinder--amp--scroll-wheel.jpg stamp postage 9/5/1980 70(c) multi issue=Security Printing Plant 50th d=Cylinder scroll wheel unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-728-Telephone--amp--flowers.jpg stamp postage 9/5/1980 80c multi issue=Swiss telephone 100th d=telephone flowers unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-732-Opening-of-the-StGotthard-Tunnel.jpg stamp postage 9/5/1980 80c multi issue=Gotthard tunnel year round opening unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-740-1981---International-Year-of-Disabled-Persons.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1981 40c multi issue=International Year of the Disabled unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-743-Tail-of-a-McDonnel-Douglas-MD-81.jpg stamp postage 3/9/1981 110c multi issue=Swissair 50th d=Tail of a McDonnel Douglas MD-81 unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-746-Folkloristic-Dancing.jpg stamp postage 5/4/1981 40c multi issue=Europa 1981 d=couple dancing unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-747-Stone-putter.jpg stamp postage 5/4/1981 80c multi issue=Europa 1981 d=Steinstossen unwmk perf=11.5 o
Colnect-140-758-Voltage-regulator-1920-Jungfraubahn-power-plant.jpg stamp postage 9/3/1981 20(c) multi issue=technorama fair d=Voltage regulator 1920 Jungfraubahn power plant unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-759-Swiss-trademark.jpg stamp postage 9/3/1981 40c multi issue=Crossbow Quality Emblem 50th unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-760-Youth-discussion-group.jpg stamp postage 9/3/1981 70(c) multi issue=Swiss Youth Association 50th d=Youth discussion group unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-761-Mosaic-4-5th-Cty-of-the-St-Pierre-Cathedral-Geneva.jpg stamp postage 9/3/1981 1.10fr multi issue=St Peters Cathedral restoration unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-754-City-seal-of-Freiburg.jpg stamp postage 9/3/1981 40c multi issue=Diet of Stans 500th d=seal of Fribourg unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-755-City-seal-of-Solothurn.jpg stamp postage 9/3/1981 40c multi issue=Diet of Stans 500th d=seal of Solothurn unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-756-Ancient-townhall-Stans.jpg stamp postage 9/3/1981 80c multi issue=Diet of Stans 500th d=Old Town Hall, Stans unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-771-100-Years-Swiss-Hotel-Association.jpg stamp postage 2/18/1982 20(c) multi issue=Swiss Hoteliers Association 100th d=Emblem of the hotelier Association unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-768-Steam-locomotive-type-C-4-5-1906.jpg stamp postage 2/18/1982 40c dlvio&blk issue=Gotthard Railway 100th d=Steam locomotive type C 45 1906 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-140-769-General-purpose-electric-locomotive-type-Re-6-6-1972.jpg stamp postage 2/18/1982 40c multi issue=Gotthard Railway 100th d=General purpose electric locomotive type Re 66 1972 unwmk perf=11.5 **
Colnect-5242-865-Ruetli-oath.jpg stamp postage 5/3/1982 40c multi issue=Europa 1982 d=Oath of Eternal Fealty unwmk perf=11.5 **
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