Short desc: 14.5x14.25
h: 14.50
v: 14.25
Used by 715 stamps: See all uses
Australia 11/19/1984 30c issue=Victoria settlement 150th d=Leadbeater's possum (1984)
Australia 2/25/1985 33c dt=colonial military uniforms d=Royal Victorian Volunteer Artillery
Australia 2/25/1985 33c dt=colonial military uniforms d=Pinjarrah
Australia 2/25/1985 33c dt=colonial military uniforms d=New South Wales Lancers
Australia 2/25/1985 33c dt=colonial military uniforms d=Nsw Sudan
Australia 2/25/1985 33c dt=colonial military uniforms d=Victorian Mounted Rifles
Australia 7/17/1985 33c dt=childrens book illustrations d=witch from Elves & Fairies, by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite
Australia 7/17/1985 33c dt=childrens book illustrations d=Magic Pudding
Australia 7/17/1985 33c dt=childrens book illustrations d=Ginger Meggs
Australia 7/17/1985 33c dt=childrens book illustrations d=Blinky Bill
Australia 7/17/1985 33c dt=childrens book illustrations d=Snugglepot Cuddlepie
Australia 9/18/1986 36c dt=orchids (1986 Australia) d=Elythranthera emarginata
Australia 9/18/1986 55c dt=orchids (1986 Australia) d=Dendrobium nindii
Australia 9/18/1986 90c dt=orchids (1986 Australia) d=Caleana major
Australia 9/18/1986 $1 dt=orchids (1986 Australia) d=Thelymitra variegata
Australia 11/3/1986 36c issue=Christmas 1986
Australia 11/3/1986 60c issue=Christmas 1986
Australia 8/19/1987 37c dt=technology (1987) d=bionic ear
Australia 8/19/1987 53c dt=technology (1987) d=Microchips
Australia 8/19/1987 63c dt=technology (1987) d=Robotics
Australia 8/19/1987 68c dt=technology (1987) d=ceramics
Australia 1/17/1990 41c issue=Australia Day 1990 d=Golden Wattle
Australia 9/3/1990 43c d=Thinking of You (1990)
Australia 10/31/1990 43c issue=local government 150th d=Adelaide Town Hall
Australia 10/31/1990 43c issue=Christmas 1990 d=koalas & roo with baby
Hong Kong 8/7/1985 40c issue=Queen Mother 85th d=Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, age 7
Hong Kong 8/7/1985 $1 issue=Queen Mother 85th
Hong Kong 8/7/1985 $1.30 issue=Queen Mother 85th
Hong Kong 8/7/1985 $5 issue=Queen Mother 85th
Solomon Islands 6/15/1970 18c issue=new constitution 1970 d=arms of the Solomon Islands (1970) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Solomon Islands 6/15/1970 35c issue=new constitution 1970 d=map of the Solomon Islands (1970) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Solomon Islands 8/17/1970 3c issue=British Red Cross 100th wmk=mult crown & script CA
Solomon Islands 8/17/1970 35c issue=British Red Cross 100th wmk=mult crown & script CA
Zimbabwe 3/14/1983 40c issue=1980 d=Bundi Falls
Bermuda 6/7/1985 12c issue=Queen Mother 85th d=Queen Consort in 1937 wmk=crown & script CA spiral
Bermuda 6/7/1985 30c issue=Queen Mother 85th d=With grandchildren 80th birthday wmk=crown & script CA spiral
Bermuda 6/7/1985 40c issue=Queen Mother 85th d=At Clarence House 83rd birthday wmk=crown & script CA spiral
Bermuda 6/7/1985 $1.50 issue=Queen Mother 85th d=Holding Prince Henry wmk=crown & script CA spiral
Botswana 9/30/1971 3c yelgrn&blk&brn issue=independence 5th dt=map & symbols d=ox head on map of Botswana
Botswana 9/30/1971 4c issue=independence 5th dt=map & symbols d=Cogwheels & waves on map of Botswana
Botswana 9/30/1971 7c issue=independence 5th dt=map & symbols d=zebra rampant on map of Botswana
Botswana 9/30/1971 10c issue=independence 5th dt=map & symbols d=Tusk & Rand on map of Botswana
Botswana 9/30/1971 20c issue=independence 5th dt=map & symbols d=arms of Botswana on map of Botswana
Nauru 8/5/2002 $1.50 issue=Queen Mother Elizabeth memorial
Nauru 8/5/2002 $1.50 issue=Queen Mother Elizabeth memorial
Solomon Islands 8/5/2002 $1 issue=Queen Mother memorial
Dominica 2/21/2000 $1 issue=The World of Dogs 2000 dt=puppies (2000) d=Jack Russell Terrier Canis lupus familiaris wmk=mult crown & script CA
Dominica 2/21/2000 $1 issue=The World of Dogs 2000 dt=puppies (2000) d=Shar Pei Canis lupus familiaris wmk=mult crown & script CA
Dominica 2/21/2000 $1 issue=The World of Dogs 2000 dt=puppies (2000) d=Basset Hound Canis lupus familiaris (2000) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Dominica 2/21/2000 $1 issue=The World of Dogs 2000 dt=puppies (2000) d=German boxer (2000) wmk=mult crown & script CA
(plus 665 more)