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Issuer: Liberia
Issue: Wildlife of Liberia 1993 Date: 11/18/1993 (1993 sheets) Block 1 (12, 3 x 4) 1, 1: 90c d=Cercopithecus diana (1993 Liberia) 1, 2: 90c d=Anomalurus sp. 1, 3: 90c d=Rousettus aegyptiacus 2, 1: 90c d=Felis serval (1993 Liberia) 2, 2: 90c d=potto Perodicticus potto (1993) 2, 3: 90c d=Pan troglodytes (1993) 3, 1: 90c d=Chamaeleo oweni 3, 2: 90c d=Python regius (1993) 3, 3: 90c d=Felis aurata (1993) 4, 1: 90c d=banded duiker Cephalophus zebra 4, 2: 90c d=Choeropsis liberiensis (1993) 4, 3: 90c d=Hyemoschus aquaticus (1993) |
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