Sheets of Lesotho, 1988

Issuer Date Desc State
- no image Lesotho 5/3/1988 empty sheet (#63224) incomplete
Lesotho 6/2/1988 FINLANDIA '88, sheet of 1 type
Lesotho 6/2/1988 FINLANDIA '88, sheet of 1 type
- no image Lesotho 9/1/1988 empty sheet (#63225) incomplete
- no image Lesotho 10/13/1988 empty sheet (#63226) incomplete
- no image Lesotho 10/17/1988 empty sheet (#63227) incomplete
- no image Lesotho 10/17/1988 empty sheet (#63228) incomplete
- no image Lesotho 11/11/1988 empty sheet (#63229) incomplete
- no image Lesotho 11/18/1988 International Tennis Federation, 75th anniversary, empty sheet (#63209) incomplete
- no image Lesotho 12/1/1988 Christmas 1988, empty sheet (#63210) incomplete
- no image Lesotho 12/1/1988 Christmas 1988, empty sheet (#63211) incomplete