Issuer |
Date |
Desc |
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St. Vincent |
1/15/2010 |
Haiti Earthquake Relief Fund, sheet of 4 types |
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St. Vincent |
1/20/2010 |
World Cup 2010, empty sheet (#82021) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
1/20/2010 |
World Cup 2010, empty sheet (#82022) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
1/20/2010 |
World Cup 2010, empty sheet (#82023) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
1/20/2010 |
World Cup 2010, empty sheet (#82024) |
incomplete |
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no image |
St. Vincent |
2/18/2010 |
Ferrari 2010, sheet of 8 types |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
2/18/2010 |
Ferrari 2010, empty sheet (#82026) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
2/18/2010 |
Ferrari 2010, empty sheet (#82027) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
2/18/2010 |
Ferrari 2010, empty sheet (#82028) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
3/17/2010 |
75th Anniversary of the Birth of Elvis Presley b, empty sheet (#82029) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
3/17/2010 |
75th Anniversary of the Birth of Elvis Presley b, empty sheet (#82030) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
3/17/2010 |
50th Anniversary of the Election of J.F.Kennedy, 1917-1963, sheet of 6 types |
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St. Vincent |
3/17/2010 |
50th Anniversary of the Election of J.F.Kennedy, 1917-1963, sheet of 4 types |
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St. Vincent |
4/7/2010 |
empty sheet (#40289) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
4/7/2010 |
empty sheet (#40290) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
4/23/2010 |
Caribbean Marine Life, sheet of 6 types |
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St. Vincent |
4/23/2010 |
Flowers 2010, empty sheet (#82034) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
4/23/2010 |
Flowers 2010 b, sheet of 6 types |
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St. Vincent |
6/4/2010 |
100th Anniversary of Girlguiding, sheet of 4 types |
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St. Vincent |
6/4/2010 |
100th Anniversary of Girlguiding, sheet of 1 type |
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St. Vincent |
9/1/2010 |
100th Anniversary of the Coronation of King George V, sheet of 6 types |
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St. Vincent |
9/1/2010 |
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Mother Teresa, empty sheet (#82039) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
9/1/2010 |
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Mother Teresa, empty sheet (#82040) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
100th Anniversary of the Death of Henry Dunant, sheet of 4 types |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
100th Anniversary of the Death of Henry Dunant, sheet of 1 type |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
Abraham Lincoln, empty sheet (#82043) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
Abraham Lincoln, empty sheet (#82044) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
NASCAR - Kyle Busch, sheet of 4 types |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
500th Anniversary of the Death of Sandro Botticelli, sheet of 4 types |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
500th Anniversary of the Death of Sandro Botticelli, sheet of 1 type |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
Star Trek 2010, empty sheet (#82048) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
Star Trek 2010, empty sheet (#82049) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Akira Kurosawa, empty sheet (#82050) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Akira Kurosawa, empty sheet (#82051) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
100th Anniversary of the Birth of Akira Kurosawa, empty sheet (#82052) |
incomplete |
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no image |
St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
Cats of the World, sheet of 6 types |
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no image |
St. Vincent |
10/5/2010 |
Cats of the World, sheet of 1 type |
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St. Vincent |
12/6/2010 |
Barack Obama 2010, empty sheet (#82055) |
incomplete |
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St. Vincent |
12/6/2010 |
Barack Obama 2010, empty sheet (#82056) |
incomplete |