Sheets of Indonesia, 2020

Issuer Date Desc State
- no image Indonesia 1/25/2020 Year of the Rat 2020, empty sheet (#87069) incomplete
- no image Indonesia 3/24/2020 Traditional Architecture of Indonesia, sheet of 35 types incomplete
- no image Indonesia 3/24/2020 Traditional Architecture of Indonesia, empty sheet (#87075) incomplete
- no image Indonesia 8/17/2020 President and Vice President of Indonesia, sheet of 2 types
- no image Indonesia 8/17/2020 Musik Indonesia, sheet of 8 types
- no image Indonesia 8/19/2020 100th Anniversary of the Gedung Sate, Bandung, sheet of 1 type
- no image Indonesia 9/10/2020 40th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Colombia, sheet of 4 types