Source: Colnect
Issued by: Greece
Function: postage
Date: 1914
Issue: 1913
Denom: 30l
Color: carmine rose
Design: Hermes putting on talaria
Watermark: unwmk
Print: litho
Catalog value:

Overprints on this type: (See as list)
11/1/1916 issue=1916b engr ovpt=crown//CT oc=blk
Greek occupation of Epirus 1916 issue=1916 on litho ovpt=B. EPIROS(greek) oc=blk
Greek occupation of Thrace 6/1920 issue=1920a on litho ovpt=(greek)//(greek)//(greek) oc=blk

External links:
Colnect 56748-..ermes_and_Iris