Stampdesc Guyana, 11/7/1985-$3.50

desc_issuer: Guyana
desc_year: 1985
desc_month: 11
desc_day: 7
desc_denom: $3.50

Related descs: issuer=Guyana-1984 issuer=Guyana-1986

Used by 1 overprinted stamp:
Guyana postage 12/1/1986 $15 multi d=Clive Lloyd with the Prudential Cup oc=blk on=11/7/1985-$3.50 unwmk

Not used by any images.

Matches 1 type:
Guyana postage 11/7/1985 $3.50 multi issue=Clive Lloyd's Testimonial Year d=Clive Lloyd with the Prudential Cup unwmk