Stampdesc Egypt, 7m

desc_issuer: Egypt
desc_denom: 7m

Used by 1 overprinted stamp:
Egypt airmail 1/17/1952 7m issue=1952 air oc=blk on=7m

Not used by any images.

Matches 5 types:
Egypt airmail 2/15/1933 7m issue=1933 air d=aircraft flying over the pyramids of Gizeh wmk=triple crescent & star
Egypt airmail 2/19/1947 7m yelgrn issue=1947 air d=Nile Dam and King Farouk wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt airmail 1/17/1952 7m issue=1952 air oc=blk on=7m
Egypt airmail 4/20/1953 7m yelbrn issue=1953 air b wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5
Egypt airmail 4/20/1953 7m yelbrn issue=1953 air c wmk=triple crescent & star perf=13.5