Stampdesc Danzig, 7/21/1923-200m-org

desc_issuer: Danzig
desc_year: 1923
desc_month: 7
desc_day: 21
desc_denom: 200m
desc_color: org
desc_denom2: !!??denom15231!!?? (# 15231)

Related descs: issuer=Danzig-1922-6m issuer=Danzig-1924-75pf-vio&red

Used by 3 overprinted stamps:
Danzig postage 9/8/1923 40th org issue=1923d d=arms of Danzig & lions (1922 a) ovpt=bars//40//Tausend oc=blk on=7/21/1923-200m-org wmk=webbing perf=serrate roul 13.5
Danzig postage 9/8/1923 100th org issue=1923d d=arms of Danzig & lions (1922 a) ovpt=bars//100//Tausend oc=blk on=7/21/1923-200m-org wmk=webbing perf=serrate roul 13.5
Danzig postage 9/8/1923 250th org issue=1923d d=arms of Danzig & lions (1922 a) oc=blk on=7/21/1923-200m-org wmk=webbing perf=serrate roul 13.5

Not used by any images.

Matches 1 type:
Danzig postage 7/21/1923 200m org d=arms of Danzig & lions (1922 a) wmk=webbing perf=serrate roul 13.5