Stampdesc Philippines, 1955

desc_issuer: Philippines
desc_year: 1955

Related descs: issuer=Philippines-11/30/1954-18c-bl issuer=Philippines-1956

Not used by any overprinted stamps.

Used by 21 (10 visible) images: See images as array

Matches 13 types:
Philippines postage 1955 10c issue=1952 d=José Burgos unwmk perf=11
Philippines airmail 1955 20c grayvio issue=1955 air d=Lt. Jose Gozar unwmk perf=11
Philippines postage 2/23/1955 5c issue=Rotary 50th d=Albay volcano on Luzon sailing boat Rotary badge unwmk perf=11
Philippines postage 2/23/1955 18c carrose issue=Rotary 50th d=Albay volcano on Luzon sailing boat Rotary badge unwmk perf=11
Philippines postage 5/26/1955 5c issue=Labor-Management Congress d=worker unwmk perf=11
Philippines postage 7/4/1955 5c issue=Republic of the Philippines 9th d=President Ramon Magsaysay (1955) unwmk perf=11
Philippines postage 7/4/1955 20c issue=Republic of the Philippines 9th d=President Ramon Magsaysay (1955) unwmk perf=11
Philippines postage 7/4/1955 30c issue=Republic of the Philippines 9th d=President Ramon Magsaysay (1955) unwmk perf=11
Philippines postage 1955 20c rose issue=1952 d=Lapu-lapu unwmk
Philippines airmail 2/23/1955 50c multi issue=Rotary 50th d=Albay volcano on Luzon sailing boat Rotary badge unwmk
Philippines airmail 10/20/1955 50c multi issue=1955 air d=Lt. Jose Gozar unwmk
Philippines airmail 12/12/1955 30c red issue=1955 air d=Lt. Cesar F. Basa unwmk
Philippines airmail 12/12/1955 70c multi issue=1955 air d=Lt. Cesar F. Basa unwmk