Stampdesc St. Pierre & Miquelon, 1931

desc_issuer: St. Pierre & Miquelon
desc_year: 1931

Related descs: issuer=St. Pierre & Miquelon-1930 issuer=St. Pierre & Miquelon-1932

Not used by any overprinted stamps.

Used by 8 (4 visible) images: See images as array

Matches 4 types:
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 4/13/1931 40c dpgrn issue=Colonial Exposition d=people of French Empire unwmk
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 4/13/1931 50c redvio issue=Colonial Exposition d=women's heads unwmk
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 4/13/1931 90c redorg issue=Colonial Exposition d=France showing way to civilization unwmk
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 4/13/1931 1.50fr dlbl issue=Colonial Exposition d=colonial commerce unwmk