Stampdesc St. Pierre & Miquelon, 1934

desc_issuer: St. Pierre & Miquelon
desc_year: 1934

Related descs: issuer=St. Pierre & Miquelon-1933-1.75fr

Not used by any overprinted stamps.

Used by 10 (5 visible) images: See images as array

Matches 5 types:
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 10/18/1934 50c yelbrn&grn d=lighthouse & fish ovpt=JACQUES CARTIER//1534 1934 oc=blk on=issue=1932-50c unwmk
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 10/18/1934 75c yelgrn&orgred d=map of islands flanked by fishermen ovpt=JACQUES CARTIER//1534 1934 oc=blk on=issue=1932-75c unwmk
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 10/18/1934 1.50fr bl<bl d=map of islands flanked by fishermen ovpt=JACQUES CARTIER//1534 1934 oc=blk on=issue=1932-1.50fr unwmk
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 10/18/1934 1.75fr d=fishing steamer & sea gulls ovpt=JACQUES CARTIER//1534 1934 oc=blk on=issue=1932-1.75fr unwmk
St. Pierre & Miquelon postage 10/18/1934 5fr red&dkbrn d=lighthouse & fish ovpt=JACQUES CARTIER//1534 1934 oc=blk on=issue=1932-5fr unwmk