Stampdesc Japanese occupation of Burma, 9/22/1942-8a

desc_issuer: Japanese occupation of Burma
desc_year: 1942
desc_month: 9
desc_day: 22
desc_denom: 8a

Related descs: issuer=Japanese occupation of Burma-1943-30c

Used by 1 overprinted stamp:
Japanese occupation of Burma postage 10/15/1942 20c pur<vio issue=1942 d=Meiji Shrine oc=blk on=9/22/1942-8a wmk=curved wavy lines perf=13

Not used by any images.

Matches 1 type:
Japanese occupation of Burma postage 9/22/1942 8a pur<vio d=Meiji Shrine oc=blk on=issuer=Japan-issue=1937b-8s wmk=curved wavy lines perf=13