Stamps of Romania, 10 base day

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2017, Mar 10 Easter 2017 issue
- 1.30l multi 'Crucifixion of Jesus Christ' of the Radu Voda Monastery, imperf
- 1.30l multi 'Lord's Crucifixion' of the Saint Joseph Cathedral, imperf
- 1.30l multi 'The Resurrection - The Harrowing of Hell' part of the Darvari hermitage, p. 13
- 12.00l multi 'The Resurrection - The Harrowing of Hell' part of the Darvari hermitage, w. unwmk

2018, Aug 10 (no wmk info) p. 13.5
- 5.00l multi Romania Breaking off Her Chains on the Field of Liberty by Constantin Daniel Rosenthal

2018, Aug 10 imperf
- 28.50l multi Revolutionary Romania by Constantin Daniel Rosenthal

2018, Aug 10 'Revolutionary Romania' in painting issue p. 14
- 5.00l multi Romania Breaking off Her Chains on the Field of Liberty by Constantin Daniel Rosenthal
- 28.50l multi Revolutionary Romania by Constantin Daniel Rosenthal

2020, Jun 10 Squirrels 2020 issue unwmk (no perf info)
- 3.30l multi
- 5L multi
- 8.50l multi
- 12l multi

2020, Dec 10 Winter Flowers 2020 issue
- 2l multi Euphorbia pulcherrima
- 2.20L multi Eranthis hyemalis
- 5L multi Hippeastrum sp.
- 19L multi Helleborus niger


1947, Feb 10 CGM congress issue wmk. cross & crown mult
- 1100L ultra

1957, Dec 10 Danube Delta Fauna issue - animals (1957 Romania) wmk. RPR mult endless
- 3.30l bl & gray Larus ridibundus
- 5L carred & org vultur codalb

1960, Oct 10 butterflies (1960 Romania) unwmk (6 stamps)
- 10b multi Giant Peacock Moth - Saturnia pyri, p. 13.5
- 20b multi Poplar Admiral Limenitis populi, p. 14x12.25
- 40b multi Chrysophanus virgaureae, p. 14x14.5
- 55b multi Papilio machaon, p. 14
- 1.60l multi Deathshead Hawk Moth - Acherontia atropos, p. 14
- 1.75l multi Apatura iris

1961, Apr 10 Winter Sports 1961 imperf issue (no wmk info) imperf (7 stamps)
- 10b
- 20b
- 25b
- 40b
- 55b
- 1l
- 1.55l

1963, Apr 10 Industrial Buildings 1963 issue unwmk (no perf info) (6 stamps)
- 30b bl & red
- 40b dkbl & grn
- 55b brncar & viobl
- 1l
- 1.55l orgred & ultra
- 1.75l

1963, Jul 10 Transportation 1963 issue (5 stamps)
- 40b multi
- 55b multi
- 75b multi
- 1.35l multi
- 1.75l multi

1972, May 10 Apollo 16 issue
- 3l multi

1987, Aug 10 aircraft (1987 Romania) p. 13.25 (6 stamps)
- 50b multi Henry August 1909
- 1l multi Is-28 B2
- 2l multi Is-29 D2
- 3l multi IS-32
- 4l multi Iar-35
- 5L multi Is-28 M2
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