Stamps of Marshall Islands, 5 base month

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2005, May 2 Stamp Day 2005 issue unwmk p. 13.5
- 37c multi
- 37c multi

2005, May 8 60th Anniversary of the End of World War II issue
- 37c multi
- 37c multi
- 37c multi
- 37c multi

2005, May 18 John Paul II memorial issue (5 stamps)
- 37c multi
- 37c multi
- 37c multi
- 37c multi
- 37c multi

2006, May 2 flowers 2006 issue - flowers (2006 Marshall Islands) (no perf info)
- 10c multi Hibiscus Flowers - Butterscotch Sundae
- 63c multi Hibiscus 'Magic Moments'
- 84 multi Hibiscus 'Joanne Boulin'
- $4.05 multi Hibiscus 'Capsicum Red'

2006, May 27 Washington 2006 issue (9 stamps)
- 12c brnvio
- 14c dkbl
- 14c dkbl imperf
- 15c gray
- 20c carrose
- 25c grn
- 30c brn
- 30c brn imperf
- 50c pur

2008, May 12 US Marine Corps Heroes issue - US Marine Corps Heroes p. 13.5 (10 stamps)
- 42c multi John Lejeune
- 42c multi
- 42c multi Holland Smith
- 42c multi Smedley D. Butler
- 42c multi Daniel J. Daly
- 42c multi Lewis "Chesty" Puller
- 42c multi John Basilone
- 42c multi Alexander Vandegrift
- 42c multi Gregory "Pappy" Boyington
- 42c multi

2009, May 2 25th Anniversary of the Marshall Islands Postal Service issue p. 13x13.5
- 44c multi

2009, May 11 Tropical Marine Life issue - Tropical Marine Life p. 11x10.5 (5 stamps)
- 28c multi Chaetodon semilarvatus
- 44c multi Holacanthus ciliaris
- 88c multi Amphiprion ocellaris
- 98c multi starfish
- $1.22 multi Orcinus orca

2011, May 2 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible issue p. 13.5 (10 stamps)
- 44c multi Apostle Andrew
- 44c multi Apostle Philip
- 44c multi Apostle Simon
- 44c multi Apostle James the Lesser
- 44c multi Apostle Paul
- 44c multi Apostle Matthew
- 44c multi Apostle James the Greater
- 44c multi Apostle Thaddeus
- 44c multi Apostle Peter
- 44c multi Apostle John
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