Stamps of Ireland, 9 base month

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1994, Sep 6 Edmund Ignatius Rice death 150th issue - Anniversaries and events (1994) (1994) unwmk p. 14x15
X 32p multi Edmund Ignatius Rice

1994, Sep 6 transatlantic flight 75th issue - Anniversaries and events (1994) (1994) (no perf info)
- 52p multi

1995, Sep 1 reptiles (1995 Ireland)
- 32p multi Bufo calamita
X 32p multi Lacerta vivipara
X 32p multi Triturus vulgaris
X 32p multi Common Frog Rana temporaria

1996, Sep 3 People with Disabilities issue p. 14x15
- 28p multi
- 28p multi

1996, Sep 24 Fresh Water Ducks (no perf info)
- 32p multi Anas crecca
- 38p multi Anas clypeata
- 44p multi Anas penelope
- 52p multi Anas platyrhynchos

1997, Sep 12 150th Anniversary of the Founding of the St Patrick Battalion in Mexico issue p. 13.5
- 32p multi

1998, Sep 3 Letter Boxes issue p. 14.75x14
- 30p multi
- 30p multi

1998, Sep 3 100th Anniversary of the Mary Immaculate College issue - Anniversaries (1998) (no perf info)
- 30p multi

1998, Sep 3 200th Anniversary of the Newton School issue - Anniversaries (1998)
- 40p multi

1998, Sep 3 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights issue - Anniversaries (1998)
- 45p multi

1998, Sep 4 PORTUGAL `98 issue
- multi

1999, Sep 9 Civil Air Transport in Ireland issue - airplanes (1999 Ireland)
- 30p multi Douglas DC 3
- 32p multi Britten Norman Islander
- 40p multi Boeing 707
- 45p multi Lockheed Constellation

2000, Sep 6 butterflies (2000 Ireland)
- 30p multi Inachis io
- 32p multi Aglais urticae
- 45p multi silver-washed fritillary
- 50p multi Anthocharis cardamines

2001, Sep 5 Sailing Boats issue (8 stamps)
- 30p multi Ruffian 23
- 30p multi Ruffian 23
- 30p multi p. 14x14.75
- 30p multi The Glen
- 30p multi 1720 Sportsboat
- 32p multi Howth 17
- 45p multi 1720 Sportsboat
- 45p multi The Glen

2001, Sep 5 Hall of Fame - Football Players issue (8 stamps)
- 30p multi p. 14.75x14
- 30p multi p. 14.75x14
- 30p multi p. 14.75x14
- 30p multi p. 14.75x14
- 30p multi Padraic Carney
- 30p multi Frank Cummins
- 30p multi Jack O'Shea
- 30p multi Nicky Rackard

2002, Sep 17 100th Anniversary of the Death of Thomas Croke issue
- 44c multi Thomas Croke

2002, Sep 17 Irish Football Players 2002 issue - Irish Football Players (2002)
- 41c multi Peter McDermott
- 41c multi Jimmy Smyth
- 41c multi Matt Connor
- 41c multi Seanie Duggan, p. 14.75x14

2003, Sep 9 150th Anniversary of the Irish National Gallery issue (no perf info)
- 48c multi James Barry - Self-portrait as Timanthes
- 48c multi Gabriel Metsu - Man writing a letter
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