Stamps of Gibraltar, 1960 base year

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1960, Oct 29 1960 issue wmk. mult crown & script CA (no perf info) (14 stamps)
X 1/2p grn & vio Iberis gibraltarica
X 1p grayblk & yelgrn the Moorish castle
- 2p bl & orgbrn Casemate St Georges Hall seahorses
- 2 1/2p bl & blk The Keys
- 3p graybl & red Rock by moonlight & shrimp
- 4p dkbrn & blgrn Catalan Bay & crabs
X 6p grn & sep Map of the Strait of Gibraltar & eagles
- 7p gray & car Airport buildings gulls
X 9p blgrn & graybl the American war memorial
- 1sh brn & grn Barbary ape
- 2sh brncar & ultra Barbary partridge
X 5sh olbrn & grnbl blue rock thrush
- 10sh yel & bl Narcissus niveus & rays
- 1lb orgred & blk Rock & regiment badge

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