Stamps of Bahrain, 1992 base year

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1992, Mar 21 migratory birds of Bahrain unwmk (16 stamps)
- 150f multi white stork - Ciconia ciconia, p. 14.75
- 150f multi Merops apiaster, p. 14.75
- 150f multi Common Starling - Sturnus vulgaris, p. 14.75
- 150f multi Grey Hypocolius - Hypocolius ampelinus, p. 14.75
- 150f multi common cuckoo - Cuculus canorus, p. 14.75
- 150f multi Mistle Thrush - Turdus viscivorus, p. 14.75
- 150f multi Coracias garrulus, p. 14.75
- 150f multi European goldfinch - Carduelis carduelis, p. 14.75
- 150f multi red-backed shrike - Lanius collurio, p. 14.75
- 150f multi Redwing, p. 14.75
- 150f multi Motacilla alba, p. 14.75
- 150f multi golden oriole - Oriolus oriolus, p. 14.75
- 150f multi Erithacus rubecula, p. 14.75
- 150f multi thrush nightingale - luscinia luscinia
- 150f multi Spotted Flycatcher - Muscicapa striata
- 150f multi Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica, p. 14.75

1992, May 22 horse racing (1992) p. 14.25 (8 stamps)
- 150f multi Horses Leaving Gate
- 150f multi Trainers Leading Horses
- 150f multi Horses around the Turn
- 150f multi Horses on the Stretch
- 150f multi Two Horses Grandstand
- 150f multi Five Horses Galloping
- 150f multi Two Brown Horses Racing
- 150f multi Black horse Grey horse

1992, Jul 25 Olympics 1992 issue
- 50f multi equestrian
- 80f multi running
- 150f multi Taekwondo
- 200f multi cycling

1992, Oct 27 60 years Bahrain International Airport issue
- 50f multi Airport building with tower & runway, p. 14.5
- 80f multi Airport building with tower & runway, p. 14.5
- 150f multi Airport building with tower & runway
- 200f multi Airport building with tower & runway, p. 14.5

1992, Nov 28 Children's drawings issue
- 50f multi Girls skipping rope
- 80f multi Women in state robes
- 150f multi Women in grain milling
- 200f multi Pearl fishers

1992, Dec 16 Expansion of the production of the Bahraini aluminum company issue p. 14.25
- 50f multi Ropeway conveyor
- 80f multi Melting vessel
- 150f multi Premises
- 200f multi Aluminum cylinder

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