Stamps, 100c=1$ currency

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1955, Sep 4 1955 issue wmk. mult crown & script CA
X 50c bl & blk SS Chusan & Queen Elizabeth II, p. 13.5x14.5
X $1 graybl & vio Sir Stamford Raffles Statue & Queen Elizabeth II
X $2 blgrn & red Singapore River & Queen Elizabeth II, p. 14
X $5 gray & multi arms of Singapore & Queen Elizabeth II, p. 14

1959, Jun 1 new constitution issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 11.5x12 (6 stamps)
X 4c
X 10c Lion in Gold & Queen Elizabeth II
X 20c
X 25c
X 30c
X 50c

1960, Jun 3 p. 13.5
- 4c flag of Singapore
- 10c flag of Singapore

1961, Jun 3
- 4c hands & map of Singapore
- 10c hands & map of Singapore

1962, Mar 31 1962 issue - Malayan fishes (no perf info) (7 stamps)
X 2c Hippocampus kuda
X 4c Puntius hexazona
X 5c anemone fish
X 6c Toxotes jaculator
X 10c Rasbora heteromorpha
X 20c Chelmon rostratus
X 25c Trichogaster trichopterus

1962, Jun 3 National Day 1962 issue unwmk p. 11.75
X 4c multi map of Singapore inside cogwheel
X 10c multi map of Singapore inside cogwheel

1963, Mar 10 1963 issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA (no perf info) (8 stamps)
X 1c Arachnis Maggie Oei
X 8c multi Vanda Tan Chay Yan
X 12c Grammatophyllum speciosum
X 30c Vanda Miss Joaquim
X 50c multi Copsychus malabaricus
X $1 multi Halcyon smyrnensis
X $2 Leptocoma jugularis
- $5 Haliaeetus leucogaster

1963, Jun 3 National Day 1963 issue p. 12.5
X 4c multi High-rise blocks
X 10c multi High-rise blocks

1963, Aug 8 South East Asia Cultural Festival issue p. 14x15
- 5c multi Malayan dancers

1966, Aug 9 independence 1st issue unwmk p. 12.5x13
X 15c
X 20c
X 30c

1966, Nov 9 wmk. St Edwards crown & CA (no perf info)
X 15c tern

1967, Aug 9 National Day 1967 issue unwmk p. 14x14.5
- 6c
- 15c
- 50c

1967, Oct 7 2nd Afro-Asian Housing Congress issue p. 14x13.5
- 10c Buildings & map of Africa & South-East Asia
- 25c Buildings & map of Africa & South-East Asia
- 50c Buildings & map of Africa & South-East Asia

1968, Aug 9 National Day 1968 issue p. 13.5x14.5
- 6c Map & symbolic worker
- 15c Map & symbolic worker
- 50c dkbl & blk & gld Map & symbolic worker

1968, Dec 1 1968 issue - dances wmk. rectangles p. 14
X 5c sword dance
X 6c lion dance
X 10c Bharatha Natyam
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