Stamps, 100c=1r currency

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1962, Apr 24 1962 issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA (no perf info) (16 stamps)
X 1/2c och & blk & brn Swazi shields
X 1c gray & org battle axe
X 2c olgrn & dkgrn forestry
X 2 1/2c red & grayblk Ceremonial Headdress
X 3 1/2c gray & ltgrn musical instrument
X 4c blgrn & blk irrigation
X 5c orgred & blk Widow Bird
- 7 1/2c ltbrn & dkbrn Rock Paintings
X 10c ltbl & gray secretary bird
- 12 1/2c olgrn & dkrose Pink Arum Lily
- 15c pur & gray Swazi married woman
X 20c grn & blk malaria control
- 25c ultra & blk Swazi Warrior
- 50c red & blk Ground Hornbill
- 1r och & grn aloes
- 2r bl & scar msinsi in flower

1963, Jun 4 Freedom from Hunger issue
X 15c rosevio sources of protein

1963, Sep 2 Red Cross 100th issue p. 13.5
X 2 1/2c blk & red Queen Elizabeth II & Red Cross
X 15c bl & red Queen Elizabeth II & Red Cross

1964, Nov 5 p. 11.5x12
X 2 1/2c Swaziland Railroad opening
- 3 1/2c Swaziland Railroad opening
X 15c Swaziland Railroad opening
X 25c Swaziland Railroad opening

1965, May 17 ITU 100th issue p. 11x11.5
X 2 1/2c lightning bolt & globe
- 15c lightning bolt & globe

1965, Oct 25 ICY issue p. 14.5
X 1/2c
X 15c

1966, Jan 24 Churchill Memorial issue p. 14
X 1/2c Churchill & St Paul's & Queen Elizabeth II
X 2 1/2c Churchill & St Paul's & Queen Elizabeth II
X 15c Churchill & St Paul's & Queen Elizabeth II
X 25c Churchill & St Paul's & Queen Elizabeth II

1966, Dec 1 UNESCO Anniversary issue
- 2 1/2c multi Education
X 7 1/2c multi science
- 15c multi culture

1967, Apr 25 internal self-government issue (no perf info)
X 2 1/2c multi King Sobhuza II & map of Swaziland
X 7 1/2c multi King Sobhuza II
X 15c multi King Sobhuza II & map of Swaziland
X 25c multi King Sobhuza II

1967, Sep 1 1st degrees issue
X 2 1/2c multi King Sobhuza II University buildings & graduates
X 7 1/2c multi King Sobhuza II University buildings & graduates
X 15c multi King Sobhuza II University buildings & graduates
X 25c multi King Sobhuza II University buildings & graduates

1968, Jan 5 festivals unwmk
X 3c multi the Incwala
X 10c multi reed dance
- 15c multi the Incwala, p. 14
- 25c multi reed dance

1968, May 1 ovpted wmk. St Edwards crown & CA
X 3c on 5c orgred & blk Widow Bird

1968, Sep 6 independence a issue p. 14x13
- 3c multi Ploughing
- 4 1/2c multi Cable lift carrying asbestos
- 17 1/2c multi Worker cutting sugar cane
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