Stamps of United States, 1 Oct 1995

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1995, Oct 1 Comic Strip Classics issue - comic strips (1995) unwmk p. 10 (20 stamps)
X 32c multi The Yellow Kid
X 32c multi Katzenjammer Kids
X 32c multi Little Nemo in Slumberland
X 32c multi Bringing Up Father
X 32c multi Krazy Kat
X 32c multi Rube Goldbergs Inventions
X 32c multi Toonerville Folks
X 32c multi Gasoline Alley
X 32c multi Barney Google
X 32c multi Little Orphan Annie
X 32c multi Popeye
X 32c multi Blondie
X 32c multi Dick Tracy
X 32c multi Alley Oop
X 32c multi Nancy (comic strip)
X 32c multi Flash Gordon
X 32c multi Li'l Abner
X 32c multi Terry & the Pirates
X 32c multi Prince Valiant
X 32c multi Brenda Starr

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