Stamps, 20 Dec 1984

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1984, Dec 20 Portraits of European Rulers issue - Portraits of European Rulers unwmk p. 12.25x12 (50 stamps)
- 10ch multi Lady Jane Grey
- 10ch multi Queen Maria of Scotland
- 10ch multi King Jacob I of England
- 10ch multi King Charles I of England
- 10ch multi King Charles I of England
- 10ch multi Queen Henrietta Maria
- 10ch multi King Charles II of England
- 10ch multi King Jacob II of England
- 10ch multi King George I of England
- 10ch multi King William IV of England
- 10ch multi Queen Anne of England
- 10ch multi King George I of England
- 10ch multi Queen Maria II of England
- 10ch multi Queen Anne of England
- 10ch multi King George II of England
- 10ch multi King George II of England
- 10ch multi King George IV of England
- 10ch multi King George III of England
- 10ch multi King William III of England
- 10ch multi King William IV of England
- 10ch multi Queen Victoria of England
- 10ch multi Prince Consort Albert
- 10ch multi King Edward VII of England
- 10ch multi Queen Alexandra
- 10ch multi King George V of England
- 10ch multi King George VI of England
- 10ch multi King George VI
- 10ch multi Queen Elizabeth II of England
- 10ch multi Prince Charles of Wales
- 10ch multi Prince Charles
- 10ch multi Princess Diana
- 10ch multi King Conrad III of Germany
- 10ch multi King Henry VIII
- 10ch multi Emperor Henry VI
- 10ch multi King Johann
- 10ch multi Fleet of Queen Elizabeth I
- 10ch multi King Philip II August of France
- 10ch multi
- 10ch multi Queen Elizabeth I
- 10ch multi Parade of King Charles VII
- 10ch multi Prince Eugene of Savoy
- 10ch multi Emperor William II
- 10ch multi King Philip V of Spain
- 10ch multi King Ludwig II of Bavaria
- 10ch multi King Alfonso XIII of Spain
- 10ch multi Maria Stuart, Queen of Scotland
- 10ch multi Charles Edward Stuart
- 10ch multi Empress Marie-Louise
- 10ch multi Emperor Charles V
- 10ch multi Empress Maria Theresa
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