Stamps of Marshall Islands, 21 Dec 2018

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2018, Dec 21 Owls 2018 issue unwmk (no perf info) (6 stamps)
- 50c multi Pseudoscops clamator
- 75c multi Strix varia
- $1 multi Asio flammeus
- $1.25 multi rufous-legged owl Strix rufipes
- $1.50 multi great grey owl Strix nebulosa
- $1.75 multi Asio otus

2018, Dec 21 100th Anniversary of the End of World War I - Razzle Dazzle Ships issue (10 stamps)
- $1 multi
- $1 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.25 multi
- $1.50 multi
- $1.50 multi
- $1.75 multi
- $1.75 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi

2018, Dec 21 150th Anniversary (2019) of the Birth of Mahatma Gandhi, 1869-1948 issue
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi

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